Sunday (①③)

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Friday morning has finally came , Sunday is just around the corner , where the war begi-

"UGH , can't i just sleep peacefully"

"It's literally 7 am"

Jin aggressively takes his phone to answer the sudden call .

"Hello , Who is this ?"


"Hello ?"

"Ah , sorry jin i didn't know you answered"

"No problem , who's this I'm asking ?"

"It's your father , i just changed my number"
Jin was confused at how his father's voice , seemed abit sad or miserable.

"I have news"

"Your uncle , is coming out of prison on sunday"

Jin was quite happy , because he hasn't seen his uncle in while since his last visit , but it seemed like his father wasn't that happy .

"That's great news ! We'll go see him on Sunday then ?"


"But we might arrive abit late , the train tracks are being mended here , we might arrive Sunday night"

"Is something wrong ?"

Mr. Kim went silent .

"No , what made u ask that son ?"

"You seem sad"

"No no , I'm not , just call your brother for me and tell him the news"

"okay i wil-"

Mr. Kim hung up

"That was weird"

Seokjin just decided to continue sleeping ,

And ignore what happened .

"I'll call him later" mumbled jin , as he fell asleep .


"Wheein-ah , get me that water hose"

Moonbyul , Wheein , and Namjoon where at the garden ..

Patiently waiting for jin on Sunday morning .

"Which one ? , There's two"

"Which do u like better , yellow or green ?"


"Looks like someone is abit mad" teased joon , thinking that byul was mad at jin's absence.

"I agree hyung" said whee , banging the hose in her unnie's hand.

"Why would I be mad when I'm in this beautiful garden , with two annoying creatures around me" said byul , watering the flowers with the green hose.

"Oh really , just wait till the third creature comes" said joon taking his phone for the uptenth time , to call jin again .

"Oh don't even try joon , his probably asleep as always" said whee , who had lost hope three hours ago.

"JIN" yelled namjoon at the top of his lungs right when jin picked up , making the two girls jump.


"A train ??"

Byul looked confused , so did wheein .

"Did jin forget our meeting ?" Asked whee , that seemed disappointed.

"You didn't tell me this , Congrats tho !" Said joon , moving away from the garden .

"Congrats ? , ohhh why would joon congrat him moonbyul-si 😏" said whee , seeing byul confused with namjoon's sudden tone change .

"I don't know , maybe something about his solo ?"

"Oh really ? If it was solo he would've told us"

"Got a point there whee"

"Maybe it's a .. dat-"


Byul stopped whee's weird guesses from evolving in the right timing.

"Jealous ?"


"Definitely jealous"

Byul distracted herself by going to the car to get "tissues" , as if she actually needed them .

She just wanted to take her time to guess ..

Without having a Jung Wheein to judge her facial expressions that is.

Byul got into the car , and started looking for the "tissues" .

When she was actually looking for clues .

Moonbyul POV:

That whee , now I have a trillion questions that need answers , and another trillion that have answers already .
That means , Jin actually didn't mean that weird confession , it's was a PRANK.
Phew , now that question has been answered ..
But if he didn't mean me , then who did he mean ? who is he dating ?
BUT , what if wheein's guess is not real ?
yes yes , it's probably not real .
Whee just likes making me feel dumb .
Yeah , right ?
yeah , not true moon , not true .

Writer POV :

"Unnie , you're the worst actor there is"

Said wheein , seeing her unnie with no tissues in her hand .

"I- I didn't find any tissues dummy"

"You irresponsible little dummy , put tissues in your car"

Whee slowly got up , and went to her car ..

Opened her car door , and pulled out a full pack of tissues out of nowhere.

"Oh really ?" Said whee waving the tissue box , where byul could see it clearly .

"500 tissues aren't enough for you unnie ?" Laughed whee , bamming the tissue pack on byul's chest.

"Hey don't blame me , you probably hide them from me don't u ?"

"Byul , they were on the backseat"

"Well , who puts tissues on the backse-"

"Jin can't come"

said joon , while looking at byul .

"Why ?!" both girls asked together .

"His uncle came out of prison ! He probably misses him so much"

Byul signed in relief

"Ohh his uncle , heard that miss wheein ?"
Said byul with a smirk.

"I did , miss wannabe-girlfriend"
Laughed wheein , making joon understand the conversation .

"You're probably happy unnie , aren't you ?"

"umm , of course I'm happy for him , his uncle is free" said byul , giving whee a death stare .

"Ohh yeah , his uncle yeah 😏"

Yelled joon , rushing to turn off the water .


The day was ruined , but what possibly could happen that would ruin the day even more ?


(WARNING , drama in the next chapter )

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