Letter filled with light (①⑤)

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It's been a while"

Said byul , coming out of her car .

She saw the young man , dressed in black just like her , get out of his car .

"I know right , it's been forever" smiled the young man .

"I miss you byul-ah" said jin , closing the car door .

"Same here jinnie"

"How are you in this weather ji-"

Jin didn't even let her finish .

He had to do something , he had died to do for a long time .


"Do you remember that day when whee left to talk in her phone , leaving us two alone ?"

Moonbyul stayed silent .

"Hmm , why ?"

"That awkward confession i gave you"

Byul instantly remembered her weird thoughts that used to haunt ، her everytime she remembers those words he said .

"What does this have to do with the weather tho" said byul , ignoring her thoughts again.

"I love you Moonbyul"

"It's not a prank"

Byul heart beats became unstable .

She started getting those thoughts again , realizing they were all right ..

All of them .

"Byul ?"

Said jin , when he saw the young lady struggling to answer .


"I- I love you too"

Jin smiled , knowing that she actually meant it .

"It was actually a prank"


2 years passed by

Moonbyul , was sitting on a flower swing in a beautiful sunny day , reading a letter she received from her beloved .


to Byulie ,

Yesterday , i was sleeping in my tent , but i got bored . So i put my sleeping bag outside .
I took one look at the night sky , and it immediately reminded me of your beautiful face . The moon , and the stars in one scene , nothing could describe you better than this scene . So i decided , to sleep outside from now on , although it's cold , but i would do anything to remember you everyday my darling . If only you were here , i know it's tiring to work here , kinda courage you think ? , Sometimes I wonder , if i didn't work at the military , how would our life look like ? I bet you're as curious as me ; it'll happen one day moon , I'll happen .

How's joon and whee ? Y'all still in the farm ? I loved that photograph you sent me , i love red roses , but i love you more .
Keep that farm growing , it's gonna be so worth it , btw i LOVEE that name you gave it , it has potential and it's creative .
Oh , and tell joon to stop posting flower pics on instagram , because his followers are probably sick of it .

I love you my moonstar , and I'm happy that i don't just have the stars , i have both the stars and the moon , moonstar .
Stay safe and don't forget to write back !

- Your World Wide Handsome .


Byul smiled on reading the letter , and looked at the beautiful rose farm she had grow .

"Byul-si" cried whee from the other side on the farm .

Wheein came running , breathing hard .

"Joon and I are going to pick flowers for mother's day , is that ok ?"

"Of course whee , that's so sweet of yall"

"Ohhh , love letter you say ?" Said whee , seeing the letter on her unnie's lap .

"Jinnie says hi to y'all btw" said byul holding the letter tightly .

"What did he say about the farm name ? You told him that we named it right ?"

The farm had no name for such a long time , so byul decided to name it .

"He liked it so much , he told me it has potential"

"Aww that's sweet , oh i forgot , Joon just got the sign this morning , we were actually hanging it on the entrance"

"Oh really ? , Y'all didn't tell me"

"Because it was a surprise" said joon , appearing from between the roses .

"Come see it , it looks so cool"
Said wheein , as she dragged her older friend from her arm.

Joon , Byul , and Whee walked through their beautiful rose farm , that reminded byul of their small garden in seoul .

She was so proud of her and her friend's work , and how it grew from a piece of land , to the farm she and jin dreamed of .

Byul stood infront of the entrance .

"I absolutely love it you guys , thank you so much for this beautiful surprise"

Byul hugged both her friends

As they stood under the sign that said :


la fin


A/N :

I didn't want this to have a bad ending hehe .
Hope y'all like it !
Thank you for reading till the end , i love you ✨💖

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