Forget me (①⓪)

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"Soo.. , what happened unnie?" said whee sitting next to byul on the couch.

"Ah nevermind whee, nothing happened." Lied byul.

Byul thought about it a bit clearly, and soon found out that it was such a stupid thing for Jin to randomly say that in the weirdest accent ever, so she decided to not make a fuse about that.

And just kept a note of it.

Wheein looked at her friend, suspiciously.

"Hmm weird, you were stressed out in the car , now ur chill"

It was a line that caught byul's attention.

"Idk , maybe cuz of the weather or something" said byul , trying her best not to look dumb.

"Ok , something's definitely up" said whee turning to byul.

"Wait why ?" Asked byul , with a confused expression on her face.

"Since when do you even care about the weather?"

Byul left her eyes of her phone, to see whee confused/shocked.

Byul gave her a cold stare .

"Why are you so nosy all of a sudden?" Joked byul, making whee stare at her even more.

Whee didn't answer.

"Wheein snap out of it" said byul , snapping her fingers in whee's face to stop the death stare.

Wheein POV :

Idk what happened to me , but it's so off that byul is making up excuses , as if she thinks she's good at acting.
All I could do is stare into her soul like an idiot.
I'm sure something is up , and I'm sure this has something to do with jin-hyung.
Maybe I'm taking it to much, plus that it's none of my business anyways.
Hmm, but Im still hella curious tho.
Wait- , what if they.. what if ...

No wheein you're too innocent for this!

I'll just get byul to tell me sooner or later, cuz if she doesn't, then ma brain will start panicking.


Whee stopped the stare , and right after that byul got back on her phone.

Wheein stared on the TV instead , to get her mind off the situation.

Byul was frowning at her phone , when whee crossed her arms and acted as if she's watching the TV .

This tension disappeared right when whee got a phone call,

Which made them jump.

Whee grabbed her phone and went upstairs, leaving byul on the couch.

"Hello unnie , what's wrong-"

"Whee, I tried calling the number myself, and.." said Lisa panicking.

Whee's eyes got wide.

"Wait Lisa didn't you tell me it's fake?, Why would you call it?"

"Let me finish already" spat Lisa .

"Didn't you tell me that there was a door getting slammed?"

"Ya , why?"

"Well it was different for me"

With that , whee got curious.

"Wait what do you mean by that?, Did someone answer-"

"Exactly" said Lisa , about to cry.

"Wait- YOU SERIOUS?" yelled whee.

"I don't know either whee, I don't know what to do" , at this point Lisa was crying.

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