Fly (⑦)

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"I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU WHEE" said byul dragging the laughing girl.

"The fact that you didn't reply to me makes it more obvious"
Said wheein laughing even more.

Byul looked at her annoyingly.

"Wheein can we just be serious for a second" Said byul with a low voice.

"Ok just give me a sec to calm dow-"

Wheein didn't even finish, and started laughing again.

"Seriously?" Said byul while walking away from whee.

"Wait- WAIT" said wheein while still laughing.

Byul just gave her a you're-drunk look and went in her house leaving the door slightly open for the drunk whee to get in.

"Never knew stupidity would be on this level" Said byul,
waiting for wheein to get in after almost 5 minutes.

"WHEEIN-AH" yelled byul from inside the house.

Byul got of the couch and opened the door.

"Wheein, wth" Said byul to wheein, who was sitting on the car.

Whee said nothing.


"you're not a street dog, get in its getting dark"




Byul went to whee to see what's going on.

"Like you really like to annoy me"

"What are you doing?"

"Ah Joon added me to your group chat thats all" Said wheein showing byul her phone.

"They're fun"

"Oh really? that's not a reason to be a street dog" said byul.

"Harde har har" said whee ignoring moonbully.

"You would understand why I'm sitting here if you look around you" Said wheein leaving her phone.

"The wind is nice and the weather is perfect"

"Not the kind of weather for iNdoOrs" Said wheein convincing byul to sit next to her.

"Ok I get it, but WHY IN THE WORLD would you sit on mY car?" Said byul pulling wheein of the car.

"Ah you'll never enjoy life like this unnie" Said whee.

"I enjoy life when I don't feel like I'm going to get KIDNAPPED,
it's like 5 pm and you're sitting on a car in the middle of the streEt"

"And you call that enjoYmenT?"

Wheein gave her a why-do-you-care look, while byul dragged wheein inside.



The farmers 🌱

Joon added whee to the group

What is this?

Anyone who enters the garden gets added.

Oh really?
What if a fly entered the garden.
Then you should add the fly.

Give me the fly's number and I'll add it.

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