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while walking down dark and lonely alley, hands trembling ten hugs his bag. after getting kicked out of their house he doesn't know where he'll stay the night.

after hours of finding a shelter, ten saw a non occupied bench near lake. its already 2 am in the morning and he's pretty tired already.

he sat down and wander, he can't sleep here.

'I'll just take rest and find a place to stay' he thought. he can just wait here until the sun rise.

"hey, cutie" he jolted when a drunk sounded man came sat basides him.

"you smell omega, you shouldn't be here" the man added.

he quickly rise and run away, he knew what will happen if he stays there even for a minute.

6 months living in korea makes him feel disappointed at himself for not memorizing the place he lives in.

he also doesn't have friends to ask for help. he was born and raised in thailand after all

later he found a park where he can stay, he is sure that no alpha gonna bother him because its guarded.

tomorrow he'll go to an omega shelter to ask some help to fly back to thailand

[JOHNTEN] remaining days of a rejected omegaWhere stories live. Discover now