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ten opened his eyes, he felt his hand sting. he saw a dextrose besides him connected to his right hand, and something on his nose, he felt so good inhaling some air coming from an oxygen.

he turn his gaze when a door on his right opened "hello, ten"  ten smiled when taeyong came from the door

"no, don't!" taeyong quickly made ten lie down when he tried to sat

"why am I here?" ten asks while lying down, taeyong sighs and fix some things that is connected to his body

"are you working here?"

"what do think?"

"you're a doctor"

taeyong smiles at the latter who looks so lost, he can't help but to be feel upset.

ten's pale, like a paper. his body are now rejecting the vitamis they've given him, the food he can't eat telling the nurse he's either full or the food just tasted bad

"taeyong?" ten approach taeyong whos now checking his heart with his stethoscope, he received a hum from the doctor

"can I go to the shelter? I'm okay now" taeyong stop checking on him.

"I'm sorry ten, you can't discharge. you still have to undergo test. just...just be strong okay?" taeyong patted his head and quickly left the room.

after going out of the room, taeyong run to the nearest storage room and cried. after reviewing the health status of his friend he learned that the omega inside ten slowly killing him.

ten got rejected by his alpha

medicine and herbal remedies wouldn't cure this. there was no cure to bring an omega back once their true alpha rejected them, all of the records and his patients who had been rejected by their alpha none of them survived. all of them. died.

this is his fate, ten smiled.

he tried to sit and opened the window besides him and let the cold breeze slap his face, only if he can inhale it.

"natural oxygen are useless, artificial air are the best" he jokingly said to himself.

if there's someone who can talk to him.

[JOHNTEN] remaining days of a rejected omegaWhere stories live. Discover now