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Xiao Zhan's body started to quiver in fear at the mention of punishment....


Wang yibo....

Save me....

Xiao Zhan's tears started to fall and Xiao Chen who noticed his pants getting wet dared not look.

"Xiao Zhan... don't upset me more than you already had,stop crying and don't even think about making a sound."

Hearing Xiao Chen's Warning....Xiao Zhan tightly covered his mouth with his hands...afraid to make a sound.

Xiao Chen watched at every one of Xiao Zhan's actions then smiled.

He's glad that Wang yibo didn't corrupt Xiao Zhan that much.

Xiao Chen started caressing Xiao Zhan's butt again....

"Hey Xiao Zhan...can you tell me...what did you do in Wang yibo's house?"

Xiao Zhan wanted to answer with his careful words....but he couldn't...he doesn't have his notebook and pen with him.

And of Course,Xiao Chen knew that....that's the reason why he kept asking things though.

He wanted Xiao Zhan to feel helpless with make sure that he wouldn't dare think about running away again...

It was stupid to begin with...does he think that there's someone I'm scared of?

He's clearly underestimating my love for him....

Xiao Chen sighed at his thoughts.

Now he's disappointed with Xiao Zhan.

"Xiao do know what you did something utterly wrong right?"

Xiao Chen then leaned down and whispered in Xiao Zhan's ear...

"So it's all you're fault I had to punish you."

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened with tears...

It's...all his fault?

After caressing Xiao Zhan's butt...Xiao Chen spread Xiao Zhan's hole apart...

"'s so pink and so tiny..."Xiao Chen then forcefully put his three fingers in Xiao Zhan...."And That's why only I am allowed to see this."

Xiao Zhan trembled then his tears fell like waterfall in his face...

He's scared....

It hurts....

Xiao Chen who noticed how badly Xiao Zhan is shaking sighed but still continued to move his three fingers in Xiao Zhan's hole.

Xiao Zhan started to whimper.

"You dare desire to run away from me...when you don't even dare to fight me? naive can you be?"

I'm scared...

Wang yibo...

Wang yibo...

Wang yibo...


Wang yibo gritted his teeth while impatiently driving towards the Xiao Mansion....

He knew that he doesn't have the right to interfere....

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