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"How does it feel to be partnered with Zhao Lusi?"


The interviewer awkwardly smiled while Zhao Lusi tried to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Yeah it was pretty great right?Actually,Xiao Chen is a really chill person,he doesn't talk much but he gives the aura of someone warm....."

Zhao Lusi then Continued praising Xiao Chen.

Of course all of it was bullshits.

Xiao Chen didn't even try to befriend her and just Expressionlessly greet her and stuff.

He's always rushing to get home too.

But Zhao Lusi couldn't possibly tell everyone that right?

He wouldn't want to anger Xiao Chen and his countless fans.

And so Zhao Lusi had decided to let it go.

The Interviewer continued to ask and Xiao Chen was,like usual,bored.

But he was suddenly asked something.

"There's a Rumor that Wang yibo and you had been getting along well,is that true?"

Xiao Chen looked at the Interviewer with Curiousity.

"Why do they say that?"

"Well,there's Rumors that Wang yibo came to your house a little while ago....."

Xiao Chen then smirked.

"Of course,yes,We do get along,I even let him borrow something that's mine."

The interviewer suddenly felt happy.

That was the longest sentence Xiao Chen has ever said since the start of the Interview.

"Really?What did you let him borrow?"

Xiao Chen's Eyes then dimmed while looking at the Interviewer.

Too nosy,But he guessed that it was his fault for flaunting something that shouldn't be flaunt in the public.

"That's.....a secret haha"

And then Xiao Chen warmly smiled.

The interview suddenly got shy hearing and seeing Xiao Chen's Laugh and smile.

Zhao Lusi found Xiao Chen's smile creepy though...maybe it was because She's more used of seeing Xiao Chen with a smug look on his face.

The boring Interview has finally come to an end.

And Xiao Chen couldn't be more happy that he would finally be going back as his Schedule Ends with this interview.

It doesn't matter anyways.

It's already late at night.

What was he so happy about?

He had no one to go home to anymore.

And he hated that.

He hates Wang yibo for Taking Xiao Zhan away from him.

Just one chance,If Xiao Chen could just have another chance,then he'll make sure that Wang yibo will never see Xiao Zhan again,NEVER.

Xiao Chen then looked up the starry sky with an expressionless face....

Ahhh....if only Wang yibo makes a mistake and make Xiao Zhan run to good would that be?


Xiao Zhan was attentively Watching Wang yibo's drama while eating a popcorn.

He was so focused at the TV screen that he didn't even notice Wang yibo's staring...

For Wang yibo,it was more Pleasurable to stare at Xiao Zhan's face and his reaction rather than Watching his own drama and seeing his OWN face with a lot of extras.

Wang yibo looked at the clock to find that it was already late at night.

He looked at Xiao Zhan to see him still attentively Watching.

Wang yibo suddenly felt shy and blushed.

What the heck?!

What was that?!I'm being so lame right now!

Wang yibo fake coughed trying to gain Xiao Zhan's attention.

Xiao Zhan looked at Wang yibo without knowing that he had an intense and attractive look in his eyes.

Wang yibo's eyes widened and fastly looked away to hide his blush.

Fucking Shit!Who made him that Good looking?!

Wang yibo fake coughed again while trying to get his senses straight.

"It's already late,I think we should sleep now."

Xiao Zhan was a little reluctant but as he's afraid of disobeying Wang yibo and making him feel as if he had been disrespected,he nodded.

Wang yibo noticed Xiao Zhan's reluctancy and despair while nodding and he couldn't help but find it cute...and of course he's a little proud!Actually, Tremendously Proud!

After all,Xiao Zhan liked his drama so much that he was ready to pull an all nighters.

Wang yibo chuckled and Xiao Zhan automatically smiled after hearing it.

"You can just watch it tomorrow."

Xiao Zhan nodded.

"Come,let me walk you to your room."

Xiao Zhan stood up and timidly followed Wang yibo.

Wang yibo walked On the stairs while being followed by Xiao Zhan and reached the second floor.

He walked towards one of the guest room and turned around to face Xiao Zhan with a warm smile.

"Here you go."

Wang yibo twisted the door knob and Walked in followed by Xiao Zhan.

He turned on the light too.

Xiao Zhan walked in front of him and suddenly signed something.

Even though Wang yibo don't understand sign language,he already knew that His Pure And kind Xiao Zhan had signed 'Thank You' to him.

"You're Welcome."

Xiao Zhan suddenly blushed at Wang yibo's kind tone of speaking.

Wang yibo watched as Xiao Zhan shyly Layed towards the bed and covered himself with the Comforter.

Wang yibo smiled.

"Then I'm gonna go now."

Xiao Zhan shyly nodded and smiled at him.

Wang yibo then got out of Xiao Zhan's room.

Wang yibo walked towards his room and as fast as a professional runner did he run to his bathroom....

He fastly turned on the Cold shower and let his back touch the cold wall.

Fuck,Xiao Zhan's just too sexy it's hard not to be turned on.

Wang yibo then started to unbutton his pants and rubbed his hands at his throbbing member.

He could feel the heat running towards his lower part...

He suddenly remembered how Xiao Zhan smelled and Felt in his arms...

How Xiao Zhan smiled at him and The way Xiao Zhan would shyly do things that he can't help but think is cute.

While thinking of Xiao Zhan,he rubbed and rubbed his erected member until white liquid started coming out of it.

After ejaculating,Wang yibo suddenly came to his senses and  felt ashamed of himself.

He then crouched down and layed his flushed face on his knees.

Uggghhhh,I'm such a pervert.....

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