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After the Chaotic Interview,The staff packed up and was about to leave when Wang Yibo Pulled his Manager's collar and looked at him Threateningly.

"If that footage goes out, you're fired."said Wang Yibo and showed his sickly sweet smile in front of his manager.

Xiao Zhan who wasn't able to hear Wang Yibo and his Manager's exchange of words frowned at Wang Yibo and his Manager's Closeness.

"What?Don't tell me you're jealous?"Xiao Chen incredulously asked with his equally dangerous voice.

Xiao Zhan flinched and Shaked his head.

Who was he to get jealous?

If anything,he should just be thankful of everything Wang yibo has done for him.

Xiao Chen's eyes darkened at Xiao Zhan's reaction and he Placed his hands on Xiao Zhan's Chin, tightly.

"What's with that Reaction?is he fucking with you?"

Xiao Zhan was about to make a sound when Wang Yibo strongly slapped Xiao Chen's hand away from Xiao Zhan's Chin.

"You'll leave a bruise on your BROTHER'S skin."

Xiao Chen Gritted his teeth at Wang Yibo and Softly Looked at Xiao Zhan again.

"Zhan Zhan,I'm really sorry for what I did I truly regret..... hurting (rape) you that day Can we please just go back to our home and stop bothering Wang Yibo?"

Xiao Zhan flinched at the Xiao Chen's words.


Wang yibo's veins started to pop up at the mention of Xiao Chen 'HURTING' Xiao Zhan.

This Fucking Lunatic dares!

"Xiao Chen,I don't really think you're in the right mind to say that when you yourself were bringing danger to your BROTHER You're crazy if you think that the Media wouldn't stop bugging and stalking Xiao Zhan after knowing about him."

"I Know,I'll do everything to not have it aired."

"Make sure you do well as a very tiny bit compensation for all the shitty things you've done to your 'Brother'"

"I know so shut the fuck up."

Xiao Zhan was offended with Xiao Chen's words towards Wang Yibo.

In Xiao Zhan's opinion,Xiao Chen didn't need to be so harsh.

"Ok,Xiao Zhan let's go." Said Wang Yibo and decided to grab Xiao Zhan's hands and go to his room.

Xiao Chen's eyes widened when he saw Wang Yibo Holding Xiao Zhan's hand.

"What do you think you're fucking doing?!Who are you to touch him?!"

Xiao Chen looked Agitated,he felt offended cause in so many years not once was he able to naturally hold Xiao Zhan's hand like Wang Yibo just did in front of him.

He felt as If all the patience he had vanished and was replaced with nothing but anger.

This Fuck dares to do something even he couldn't do as much as he wanted to!

Xiao Zhan knew Something was not right with Xiao Chen looking like that and so he stepped up and held Xiao Chen's face in his hands, trying so hard to make Xiao Chen calm down.

Xiao Chen didn't stop he just glared at Wang Yibo and kept saying nonsense that even he himself doesn't know.

He was just out of control,no one had him this angry and out patience other than Wang Yibo.

This Fucking Wang Yibo who's trying to take his Xiao Zhan away.

"Why?do you think you're better than me?huh?"


Xiao Chen was stunned to hear Wang Yibo answer.


"You deaf?I already said that I'm better than you,at least I didn't fucking rape my brother and force him to act like my fucking little lover."

Xiao Chen exploded at Wang Yibo's provocative words and Punched Wang Yibo.

"I didn't mean to!it's not my fault I was just-ugh!"

Xiao Chen couldn't continue with his self explanation when Wang Yibo repeatedly punched him back which caused the two of them to continue throwing punches with each other.

"You fucker!"(Xiao Chen)

"You're a fucking son of a bitch!just get out of our lives!"(Wang Yibo).

"He's my brother!"

"And you don't treat him like one, you're just being desperate for him,If you couldn't live without him then you should have just stayed still and acted like his fucking bitch!"

Xiao Chen Gritted his teeth and Punched Wang Yibo harder than his early Punches.

Xiao Zhan couldn't handle it anymore and got in between them, trying so hard to stop the fight but with no result.

The battle continued with both Xiao Chen and Wang Yibo Trying so hard to punch each other and not punch Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Chen was about to punch Wang Yibo When Wang yibo's manager saw the chaos and Also got in the middle to accidentally get punched instead of Wang Yibo.

"OW-OW-OW-OUCHHHHHH!!!!" shouted Wang Yibo's manager and started whipping on the floor.

The three looked at Wang Yibo's manager to see him Whining and Crying on the floor.

Xiao Zhan Pitied the Manager,but somehow he finds the manager funny as to which he couldn't help but smile besides,he still feels terrible about the manager getting too close with Wang Yibo.

The other two was annoyed with the manager though,They could have handled it themselves.

Both of them looked at Xiao Zhan to see him smiling at the manager.

Xiao Chen hated the manager even more,who is he to make Xiao Zhan smile?

Meanwhile,Wang Yibo also smiled seeing Xiao Zhan's smile.

Maybe His Manager being such a wuss isn't such a bad thing.After all,it made his Xiao Zhan smile amidst the Troubles and Chaos the two made.

But Remembering His word exchanges with Xiao Chen,he was afraid that Xiao Zhan got hurt with some of his words.

I should probably apologize after this.

"Xiao Chen,you should just go home and let Xiao Zhan stay here as long as he wants to."

"And why should I?Fuck, He's been living there since he was a child it's his fucking home you understand?and what you're doing right now Is taking him away from his home."

Wang Yibo exploded,What's this Rapist talking about?

"And in his Home,lies a Fucking Rapist you understand?"

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