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"Here,drink it."said Wang yibo to a pale looking Xiao Zhan while handing him a glass of milk.

Xiao Zhan faintly smiled and nodded.

After taking a sip,Xiao Zhan seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.

Wang yibo was worried.

"What are you thinking about?"

Xiao Zhan looked at Wang yibo then ushered him to sit next to him.

Wang yibo sat and watched as Xiao Zhan started writing something on his notebook.

"Hey,don't you think it's better if you use a phone rather than a notebook?"

Xiao Zhan nodded then wrote again.

'i don't have a phone.'

"Oh,right...I'll buy you one then."

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened and he frantically shook his hands as if saying that it's too much and he wouldn't be able to pay it back.

"It's ok,I want to.Can you just take it?"said Wang yibo with his pleading eyes and Xiao Zhan,even though reluctant,just sighed and gave a little nod.

Wang yibo smiled.

He'll also teach Xiao Zhan how to do video call so he can always see him even if he's working.

Xiao Zhan showed him the notebook and Wang yibo stared at it for a while.

'I don't blame you but please don't be  too harsh with my big brother.'

What the fuck?

Wang yibo just kept staring at the notebook,not wanting to believe what he just read.

Xiao Zhan felt that Wang yibo's mood turned sour.

He was about to take the notebook back but Wang yibo suddenly looked at him and smiled.

Xiao Zhan thought that maybe it was his hallucination that saw a scary looking Wang yibo,not knowing that between Wang yibo's smile is a tightly clenched teeth.

"Was I too harsh?I'm sorry,I was just scared that you might be afraid of him."

Xiao Zhan continued writing.

'i'm scared of him but he's still my older brother,so I care for him.'

Wang yibo suddenly felt lost.

What the fuck is he talking about?

Brother?he's not even your real brother!

So you're telling me that whatever he does you'll forgive him... because he's your 'OLDER BROTHER'

Fuck that!I can do better than him!

Wang yibo's rage from earlier arised once again.

But still,he tried to calm down.

"But he raped you."

Wang yibo's eyes while looking at Xiao Zhan was definite.

He was sure that Xiao Zhan would flinch at the mention of him being raped by Xiao Chen,and he really did.

But what Xiao Zhan wrote next made him so angry he didn't know if he can calm down anymore.

'i'll forgive him,not right now,but someday.'

Wang yibo exploded!

What the hell is he being so restrained for then?!

Is he telling me that all I've been doing for him is nothing?!

Is he telling me that all my strong yet desperate attempts to make him stay with me and leave Xiao Chen forever are all for nothing?!

What are you talking about Xiao Zhan?think straight!


Take it back!take it back!take it back!

Take your fucking words back!take it back!

Wang yibo's eyes started turning red with Anger.

Xiao Zhan suddenly got scared and unconsciously hid his notebook which Wang yibo is angrily looking at.

Xiao Zhan tugged Wang yibo's shirt with his pale trembling hands.

Wang yibo looked at Xiao Zhan to see him teary eyed.

Wang yibo panicked and immediately held Xiao Zhan's face in both his hands.

"What?what's wrong?!"asked Wang yibo and worriedly looked at Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan said nothing and just hugged him.(of course he'd say nothing,like duh,he's mute right?🙄🥺)

Wang yibo was overwhelmed,it felt so good being hugged by Xiao Zhan.

Wang yibo hugged Xiao Zhan back and all his rage and anger quickly disappeared.

Right,it's fine,he's still here now.

As long as he doesn't mess this chance up and take good care of Xiao Zhan...

Xiao Zhan would stay dependent on him.

Right,right now...I just have to love and take care of him well.

I'll just think of the consequences later.

Xiao Chen,Work,Fame,and everything....

They don't stand even a little bit of importance compared to how important Xiao Zhan is to me.

I can handle them on my own.

Right now,I just wanna hold him,kiss him and have every bit of him.

I'm not really that much of a believer but please God,if you're here,please don't let anyone take Xiao Zhan away from me.

"About Xiao Chen...are you serious?can you really forgive him?"

Xiao Zhan looked up at Wang yibo and started hesitating...

He doesn't Want to anger Wang yibo anymore.

And yet,he also don't want to lie to Wang yibo.

Xiao Zhan just stayed still,he didn't pick up the notebook which he hid from Wang yibo just a while ago.

Wang yibo sighed.

"I wasn't angry at's just...I'm worried for you and also...for me.because if you forgive him and decides to stay with him again,What about me?"

Xiao Zhan's cheeks reddened and he looked at Wang yibo with his fast beating heart in curiosity.


Thought Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan was about to pick up his notebook to ask why Wang yibo said that when the doorbell on Wang yibo's house suddenly started ringing.

Wang yibo was about to ignore it but the doorbell kept ringing and so he  walked towards the door,ready to shout at whoever the fucker in front of his door was when he fastly opened the door and saw Xiao Chen with the crews in the shooting in front of him.

What the fuck?!

Wang yibo looked at Xiao Chen in bewilderment.

Did this guy turn crazy?!

What about hiding Xiao Zhan from the Media and everything?!

Shit!What about Xiao Zhan?

Wang yibo was about to walk to Xiao Zhan and tell him to hide when Xiao Chen fastly grabbed his wrist, stopping him from walking.

"Hi Wang Yibo."

Said Xiao Chen and smirked.

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