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Wang yibo finally pulled his car up his house and carried Xiao Zhan into his house.

After putting Xiao Zhan down his couch...he then opened the lights

He looked at Xiao zhan and his eyes widened!

Maybe it was because the lights in Xiao Zhan's room from the Xiao Mansion is dimmed blue but now that he could clearly see Xiao Zhan's face...

Wang yibo seemed to be hypnotized...

I'm scared yet mesmerized....

Did I...really make the right decision of taking him from Xiao Chen?

"Are you...okay?"

Xiao zhan nodded.

Wang yibo rubbed his nape and carefully sat beside Xiao Zhan..

"Why aren't you asking me anything?"

Wang yibo was surprised when Xiao zhan suddenly took his hand and started to write on it.


Wang yibo recites every word Xiao Zhan writes on his hand just to make sure that he's right.

"Can I?"

Xiao Zhan nodded.

"Did he really kill your parents?"

Xiao Zhan once again nodded.

"But why?"

Xiao Zhan stayed still...not knowing how to answer.

"Sorry...did I ask something that I shouldn't really bother with?"

'No,you didn't'

Wang yibo felt relief wash over him...

"Then I'm glad..."

Xiao Zhan had once again nodded.

Xiao Zhan then took the pen and started to write.

Xiao zhan would start to tremble whenever he writes

He was and still is scared.

Even now...he wasn't sure if i'm as bad as Xiao Chen but he trusted me...

Maybe because.....he really is desperate now...

And I have only one job.

To not make him regret his decision.

But Xiao Chen...I really don't think Xiao Chen would just let me take Xiao Zhan away from him...

I saw his eyes when I looked at the car's mirror...

It was filled with madness that distance wasn't even able to hide an ounce of it.

Wang yibo didn't know that he was spacing out until Xiao Zhan suddenly tapped his hand.

He almost jumped when he felt electricity running into his skin...

"Ohhh...sorry I spaced out."

Xiao Zhan gently smiled as if telling him it's okay...

Wang yibo couldn't help but feel more electricity-like Flowing into his body.

Xiao Zhan gave wang yibo his notebooks and Wang yibo read it.

'He did.....but it wasn't his fault,it was mine.'

Wang yibo sadly looked at the handwriting which showed how much Xiao Zhan trembled.

How could he say that it was his?

Wang yibo wanted to ask him more about it...

But seeing Xiao Zhan trembling so badly,he knew this isn't the right time.

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