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It's been 1 years since Xiao Chen's death and Xiao Zhan was not allowed to Visit Xiao Chen's grave,not even once.

He realized many things for this one year that he's lived without Xiao Chen and Has only been with Wang Yibo.

He realized that he should have had comforted Xiao Chen and tried to understand and fix him.

He realistic how selfish he was throughout the years that he's been with Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen was just unstable and Xiao Zhan was just a trigger to his unstableness.

Maybe it was because he's started taking interest in Books about human's minds and even starts dreaming of getting into a school, he's started to know things he's never known before.

His life right now was really just like his life with Xiao Chen. Everyday he'd always wait for Wang Yibo to come home with the Bodyguards and maids Wang Yibo hired for Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan told Wang Yibo that he didn't need this much people with him, but Wang Yibo insisted.

"Hello Xiao Zhan!" Excitedly Called Emily and Xiao Zhan smiled.

These days,he's been having talks with his Personal tutor named Emily

She's completely patient and understands Xiao Zhan the most.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Zhan took his iPad and started typing.

' just reading '

Emily looked at the book and seemed amazed

"Wow,you read these kind of books? that's really great!I bet you're smarter than other kids your age!"

Xiao Zhan's eyes lightened up with Emily's words.

'You think so?'

" Of course! Xiao Zhan is so bright,how can he not be?"

Xiao Zhan blushed at the Old Woman's Words.

'I wanna attend school like others, do you think Wang Yibo would agree?'

Emily warmly looked at Xiao Zhan and smiled.

"Aww of course,how could he say no to the adorable you?you should have said it a lot earlier though,so you'll be able to adjust and socialize with others earlier rather than always being home Schooled."

Xiao Zhan suddenly got curious about a normal student's life

'What do normal students do in school?'

The teacher smiled as if remembering the students she teaches on school.

"Well,you'll get to socialize with other kids younger or older than you....then you'll study and play with other kids too. I think it'll be a fun experience for you"

Xiao Zhan's eyes brightened and his eyes got smaller as his smile started growing bigger.

'i'll try and ask Wang Yibo to let me go to School but won't i be a burden?'

The teacher was sad at her student's Choice of word.

"Of course not..why would you think that? And besides.." the teacher seemed hesitant about what she's about to say,afraid that Xiao Zhan would be offended at her next words.

Xiao Zhan curiously raised his eyebrows and signalled for the teacher to go on with a smile.

"I don't wanna be mean but you're Xiao Chen's younger brother right? It's inherited all of his property, wouldn't you be able to use some of your inheritance to study without depending on Wang Yibo in terms of financial support?"

At that,Xiao Zhan remembered all the things he had inherited from Xiao Chen.

The teacher's right, if anything,he also has his own mansions and cars that he could use to go to his school

The thought of being independent made Xiao Zhan happy

He's excited to let Wang Yibo see him in a new life, he wanted to live independently and have Wang Yibo like him after he's become a person befitting Wang Yibo.

After that,the two chatted for a while and started their lessons.

It was already 4:30 pm when Lan Wangji came home and The teacher left.

Wang Yibo walked near Xiao Zhan and asked about His day

"So?how was your day?"

Xiao Zhan Brightly smiled at Wang Yibo and started typing on his iPod

'It was good,I even had a good talk with my teacher Emily'

Wang Yibo smiled at Xiao Zhan's cuteness

"Really?what did the two of you talk about then?"

Xiao Zhan started typing hysterically as if he's always been waiting for Wang Yibo to ask him that question

'We talked about Going to school like a normal student'

Wang Yibo's forehead creased, seeming confused at Xiao Zhan's words.

"Like...What do you mean? Aren't you one? you're also a normal student who gets home Schooled?"

' but I heard it's better for students to go to school in person...'

Wang Yibo smirked as if Finding Xiao Zhan's words as nonsense and unreasonable

"Who said that?is it your teacher?Who?"

Xiao Zhan suddenly started feeling anxious cause Wang Yibo would just normally laugh or tell him to go if he wants to.

Xiao Zhan just looked at Wang Yibo and Wang Yibo seemed to Notice Xiao Zhan being uncomfortable with him and started smiling again.

"I'm sorry was I being annoying?" Asked Wang Yibo and started patting Xiao Zhan's head "I was just being curious,I hope you don't mind." Continued Wang Yibo and Looked at Xiao Zhan with his warm eyes.

Xiao Zhan could feel that something was strange but as an answer to Wang Yibo,he just shook his head.

Wang Yibo also nodded.

"Yeah,I'm tired can we go to sleep for now?"asked Wang Yibo and before Xiao Zhan could answer,he already layed Xiao Zhan in bed and hugged him.

Xiao Zhan wanted to retaliate and talk more about him going to school but Wang Yibo was not giving him any chance by Hugging him tightly and falling asleep as fast as he can, seeming to forget about their talk of Xiao Zhan going to school.

Xiao Zhan was depressed but he just thought that Wang Yibo was just truly tired and so he tried to understand Wang Yibo and just thought of talking about it with Wang Yibo in another day.

With his determination set, Xiao Zhan also started to fall asleep.

A/N: I swear I've been editing this for 1 week since school break started, Author 's block was so hard to overcome,it's so frustrating when I just stare at my cellphone and deletes what I write after being halfway done because I feel like it's not enough.🤦‍♀️I'm sorry for the long wait, I promise I've always been writing ever since school break started,maybe I'll update more often since I don't have any school requirements anymore haha 😆

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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