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It Was past 2 AM When Wang yibo's phone ringed with an unknown number on the screen...

Wang yibo looked at Xiao Zhan who's Soundly asleep with his now Cleaned body and walked away from the room....

When Wang yibo was finally away from Xiao Zhan...

Wang yibo looked at the call for a while and.....just looked....

Until the call ended on its own.

Wang yibo smirked....having a hint of whose number this unknown number is.

Of course,he must be frantic right now,Since even if he comes here,Xiao Zhan wouldn't willingly go to him.

It's not like he can take Xiao Zhan by force without letting anyone else know about his Existence.

Not even after one minute,Wang yibo's phone rung once again.

Wang yibo waited a while before picking up.

"Hello?Who is this?"

"Fuck Wang Yibo!"

"I asked,Who is this?"

"You know who I am!"

"I'm sorry but I don't,now if you're not gonna introduce yourself I'll take this as a scam and end the ca--"

"Xiao Chen!I'm Xiao Chen fuck!"

"Ohhh Mr.Xiao Chen I didn't expect that the rude caller would be you,I must say the you right now doesn't seem to fit your image in the Entertainment Industry."

That's Right,Xiao Zhan must be the trigger to Xiao Chen's every feelings.

And it annoys the hell out of Wang yibo...Why did Xiao Zhan mean so much to him?

Now he'd have to do EVERYTHING if he wants to take Xiao Zhan away from Wang yibo...

"Meet me at *******"

"And if I don't want to?"

"Then I guess we'll have no choice but to meet in your house don't you think?"

Wang yibo suddenly remembered Xiao Zhan sleeping soundly in his room....

He couldn't leave Xiao Zhan alone right now,he's still traumatized.

But he also can't let Xiao Zhan see Xiao Chen,even though he's sure that he could make Xiao Zhan not want to go back to Xiao Chen....he still couldn't make sure that Xiao Zhan wouldn't be scared at the sight of Xiao Chen and label Wang yibo's house as dangerous...

Wang yibo gritted his teeth then calmed down after seconds of thinking.

"Then Why don't I come to your house right now?"

"Well aren't you brave?Stepping on the Enemy's Den."

"Fuck off."said Wang yibo and hanged up.

When did I ever consider him As an Enemy?

I've only considered him as a Stair to get into Xiao Zhan's heart.


Wang yibo was already in Xiao Chen's house With Xiao Chen looking at him as if he's a disgusting pig.

Wang yibo wanted to laugh at Xiao Chen's expression.

Isn't he the one Who fucking raped his  adopted brother?

He's worse than a fucking pig and he dares look at me like that?

Wang yibo arrogantly sat at the Chair and faced Xiao Chen who also sat at the Chair in front of him....

With a table in between,The two looked at each other showing their hatred with their eyes.

Wang yibo was the first to speak with his daring words.

"I'm gonna take Xiao Zhan from you."

Xiao Chen's eyes reddened...

This fucking bastard thinks that he can take Xiao Zhan from me!

"Fuck!are you kidding me right now?!"

"It's obvious I'm a better Choice,at least I'm not the pig who raped him."

"Do you really think that you can stay sane with him?"Xiao Chen Was already losing it...And Wang yibo knew everything's on his favor.

Wang yibo then feigned ask

"What do you mean stay sane?"

Xiao Chen Clenched his teeth while looking at Wang yibo with Venom...

"After all,it's Xiao Zhan we're talking about,you can never stay sane watching out for others wanting that boy...sooner or'll want to possess and hide him'll be no better than me!do you understand?!"

Wang yibo smirked.

"Sane?When did I say that I was sane? When did I say that I don't want to hide him?When did I say that I don't want to possess him?"

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold.

At first,he thought that if he could act like he's losing it and his sanity,Wang yibo would give Xiao Zhan back.

But seeing the insanity and Desire in Wang yibo's eyes,he knew he couldn't take Wang yibo half seriously again.

"I should have known, You're The fucking arrogant Wang yibo who thinks he's all that,Why would you go to Such extent just to annoy me?"

"Annoy you?I don't fucking care about you."

"So tell me Wang yibo,When and Where did you first saw him?"

"Hmmm..let's see,I guess back when he was still a child in the orphanage?Ahhhh...looking at his beauty,I knew I just had to had him...I was even planning on letting my parents adopt him,but your family just had to ruin it and adopt him first,Do you know how fucking annoyed I was by your family's actions?"

At that time,Wang yibo looked as if he wanted to kill Xiao Chen.

"You....If Xiao Zhan knew the real you...he would have come running back to me right now."

"Do you think that I'll let him see this side of me?You'll need to die before I let him see the real me."

Xiao Chen smirked with annoyance.

"Why?So even if he knew how dangerous you are,He wouldn't be able to get away from you because he'll have no one to run to?I knew Xiao Zhan would never attract good people...after all,Who would not want to covet his beauty?I would have been able to save him faster if he hadn't find himself a Monster who'd do everything just to get him."

"Your way of thinking is too Childish."

"But I'm still right aren't I?After all, you're far from the kind person Xiao Zhan sees you as right?"

Wang yibo didn't answer but instead he showed a dangerous smile.

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