🌇 New Faces 🌇

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Jeongin jumps into the pool as he hugs his knees to his chest, whooping loudly that his voice echoes against the walls of the indoor pool.

"Now, careful, Jeongin!" Seungmin reminds the youngest male, "We don't want you all too tired before your exams tomorrow, now, do we?"

"Sure, Seungmin!" Jeongin grins up at the older male before diving into the water, then emerging from under, shaking off the water in his hair. It's a routine for the three males to have fun in the pool every Sunday already, and it became a reward to Jeongin for every week.

Hyunjin walks into the indoor pool with six cans of flavored drinks, setting them down gently just beside Seungmin, who is just sitting at the edge of the pool with his feet dipped into the water. "How long has he been at it?"

Seungmin hums as he opens a drink for himself, "Probably since you went out to get some drinks, I'd say about twenty minutes." He answers the older male, getting a nod in return.

"He sure does love swimming," Hyunjin says before drinking down his first drink. He then looks over at Seungmin and grins, "Why aren't you going in the water?" He asks, leaning a bit closer by instinct.

Turning his head to Hyunjin, Seungmin shrugs before answering, "I don't really want to go in yet."

Hyunjin tilts his head a bit, then asks, "Why? Are you thinking about Jisung again?" With just that, Seungmin flinches and his ears turn into a shade of pink as he mutters a 'no' at Hyunjin, looking away in embarrassment, "You don't have to worry about him, let's just trust Minho and everything will be okay."

Then they hear Seungmin's mother calling him from outside, "Minnie! Come here for a minute!" Seungmin stands up and immediately approaches his mother, "Jisung wants you and your friends to wait for them at the city border, bring your extra clothes and other necessities."

Seungmin tilts his head in confusion, "Why?"

The woman smiles and ruffles her son's hair, "They want to have a slumber party with you all," she cranes her head over to the pool where Jeongin is splashing water at Hyunjin, "and let Jeongin bring some company, okay?"

"Sure, mom," Seungmin answers with a grin, "are you going to be fine for the rest of the day?"

The woman chuckles, "Don't worry, your fathrr is coming home later with your Uncle Younghyun."


Seungmin taps his foot against the concrete, a bag hanging lazily on his shoulder and one with the straps in his hand, he's one heck of a preppy person and he's never too prepared for anything. He and Hyunjin are now at the border of the city, just one more step and they are out of the force field that their engineers created the past thirty years just to protect them from the dangers of the world now.

Hyunjin peers over at the distance in the city, expecting to see Jeongin with a new face that they never seen before, and just on cue when Hyunjin is about to complain, he spots Jeongin in a plain white shirt, and some jeans that seemed worn out by its color, it still looks good on the youngest male though. With the brightness of Jeongin's smile, it contrasted with the dark aura of his companion, easily catching Hyunjin's attention entirely. A black cap, a black tee, a black mask, black pants, even his shoes were black, and it intimidated Hyunjin.

"Jeongin is here, Seungmin," Hyunjin says as he pats the slightly younger male's shoulder, making him turn his attention from the outside of the force field to the direction that Jeongin and his companion were coming from.

Blinking his eyes rapidly at the sight of Jeongin's companion, he softly asks Hyunjin, "Do you know the new fella?" Hyunjin shakes his head with a shrug of his shoulders, still staring at Jeongin and his companion coming their way.

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