🌆 Slightly Nosy 🌆

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Seungmin huffs in slight frustration and annoyance as he looks over to Hyunjin who is now at the counter to get their order. Seungmin did insist that he would be the one to get their orders, but Hyunjin was very insistent that he should do it since 'he is older'. Seungmin rolls his eyes at that thought and sits back, scrolling through social media, then later proceeding to watch some shows in his phone.

While Hyunjin is getting their orders at the counter, the shop's door opens with a ring of the bell. Seungmin rips his eyes off of his phone's screen and finds Jisung, Jeongin and Felix entering the shop, all in their slightly messy clothes. It seems to Seungmin that they have been harvesting berries, vegetables and fruits back at the farms. Seungmin peers out of the glass windows of the shop and meets eyes with Chan, who is waiting at the driver's seat, the older male insantly waving at Seungmin.

Seungmin looks away at that, his eyes darting anywhere, anywhere, but at the trio's direction. He doesn't want them to see him at the place, not when he's sitting at the same table with Hyunjin. This is total madness.

"Jisung must be doing this on purpose," Seungmin thinks to himself in utter rage, growling into himself, "he and Minho set me up with Hyunjin so we could have a little 'chat' and for what?" Seungmin huffs a little bit of air out to calm himself down, he tries to do something on his phone, pretend he's scrolling through social media and reacting to posts, while hoping that the three males that just entered the shop won't notice him.

He accidentally looks at Jisung's direction and the latter has been staring at him for who knows how long, and just to make everything else worse, he calls Seungmin from across the shop, "Hey, Seungmin!" He cheerily calls from the other way of the shop and he quickly glides towards Seungmin's table.

"Quit pretending that you're surprised to see me here," Seungmin inwardly says, the corners of his lips pulling up a fake smile and his right eye twitching at how annoyed he is right now.

"We're just here to deliver crates of berries," Jisung says, the two other males that came along with him tailing behind him, "how's you day off going?" The chubby cheeked male queries with a curious cock of his head to the side.

With a nervous chuckle and a scratch of his finger on his left cheek, Seungmin softly answers, "Pretty good." He lets out another nervous chuckle, doing his best to keep cool, but obviously, he's failing at that, yet his half smile is making the others smile.

"Here, our smoothies and cakes!" Hyunjin says with a joyous voice and expression, "Since you said that you'll pay for the smoothies, I decided to get you some cake, I hope you don't mind the cream and chocolate cake-" Hyunjin stops on his rambling when he sees Jisung, Felix and Jeongin in view, "What the flying ramen?"

"Hey, Jinnie!" Jisung greets with the others, waving hello at the tall male, "So you and Seungmin are hanging out today? Didn't know-"

"The heck are you all doing here?" Hyunjin asks, cutting off Jisung mid-sentence as he is setting down the tray on his and Seungmin's table.

"We're just here to deliver some berries," Jisung says with the most suspicious smile, even Seungmin and Hyunjin could tell that he is up to something. "Well, enjoy your afternoon snacks!" Jisung says with a clasp of his hands, "We'll go ahead and get our orders, since we're done with unloading the truck of berries."

Seungmin and Hyunjin have been awkwardly sipping on their smoothies, waiting for Jisung and the others to leave the shop with their packs and packs of orders. As soon as the three males take their exit with the tote bags of their orders, hop into the truck and drive off and finally away from the shop, Seungmin and Hyunjin both let out sighs of relief, both getting almost doing that simultaneously.

"Jisung can be slightly nosy sometimes," Seungmin mumbles, but Hyunjin hears that anyway, sending Seungmin a look, Seungmin rolls his eyes exasperatedly and admits to the taller male, "Alright, really nosy." The both share a hearty laugh at that and they both decide to dig into their cakes.

"I'm planning to go around town," Hyunjin says to Seungmin, "I was gonna check the trees we planted, then go to the museum, since I wanna see the past artworks of historical artists. Seungmin sends a look of amusement Hyunjin's way, "What?"

"I didn't know that you're into arts," Seungmin says, leaning on the table as he takes another bite from his cake.

Hyunjin softly laughs under his breath as he stirs his smoothie with a metal straw, "Well, there are a lot of things you still don't know about me," he replies, a small glint in his eyes, "and I was thinking that maybe I can let you get to know me better." He says, his voice shrinking to the last word.

"Sure," Seungmin says in an instant.

"I knew you wouldn't- Wait, what?"

"Don't take this as a sign that I'm interested in you," Seungmin says, poking the remains of his cake with the fork, "I just feel bad for ignoring you, after this kind of friendship we made."

"You don't have other plans?" Hyunjin questions with a glint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Nope," Seungmin answers with a small shake of his head, "I'm all free, though I want to go to the planetarium."

"We can go there!" Hyunjin enthusiastically agrees, "Anywhere, honestly!"

"Okay," Seungmin laughs a bit, bringing the straw for his own smoothy to his lips, "we should finish our food first if we ever have to go to places we wanted to visit."


Both Hyunjin and Seungmin finish their cakes and smoothies and go to the museum, seeing paintings, sculptures, artifacts, remnants of the past. The museum even includes different types of trees, plants, flowers, fruits, and other nature related things to exhibit.

The first thirty minutes of the stroll around the museum seemed a bit awkward, but the duo worked it out eventually, making their own inside jokes and corny puns with the arts they come across.

They then stroll around the city, checking the trees they've planted in the past, seeing that they have been growing well and healthy.

They then visit the planetarium, seeing the exhibit of meteorites that have been harvested to be displayed there, later watching a documentary about the Big Bang theory. The documentary isn't even boring at all, since the entirety of it just seems magical to both.

While watching the documentary, Seungmin adjusts himself on his seat, his hand accidentally landing on Hyunjin's hand as he finally finds a comfortable way to sit on his chair. Hyunjin turns his head slightly to look at Seungmin and he eventually stares at the younger male, watching how his eyes sparkle in amazement at the documentary.

Seungmin has been feeling like someone has been looking at him, his instincts leads him to look to his right and there he sees Hyunjin fondly staring at him. Their hands haven't got any distance, but no one is complaining even.

Hyunjin's fingers start tracing the outline of Seungmin's hand, the slow and gentle feeling somehow tickling the latter. They are basically silently flirting at this point. And as if they read each other's minds, they hold hands and continue to watch the documentary til the end.

Sorry if the updates are taking so long.
And thank you for being patient and reading this far. I'm incredibly grateful!

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