🌆 Tree Planting 🌆

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"This way," Jeongin says as he flashes a smile to the arriving volunteers for the tree planting program. The bright green color of his shirt making him look more adorable to the older females.

"Everyone," Chan speaks after testing the microphone, "I request that once arriving at the venue, find a seat and wait for the opening ceremony to begin," he said with a formal tone, "thank you."

It's a bright and sunny day, fluffy clouds filled the majestic sky, and the wind blows gently against everyone's skin, bringing a warm and soothing blanket of air. It is the day, the day where Minho thought that would never happen, he looks at the male beside him, he smiles and pecks Jisung's cheek, catching the younger male off guard, "W-What was that for?" Jisung stutters under his flushed cheeks.

Minho smiles brightly, "I couldn't have done it without you, Ji," he says as he pulls Jisung's wrist, luring him into a warm hug, "thank you."

"Looks like we got more than what we aimed for in our tree planting project," Mark says to Taeyong as he checks the registration forms file in his phone, "trees will be planted here and there again and Earth will slowly look like the way it used to before." The younger male smiles in which Taeyong smiles back, patting his younger brother's head.

"I agree, Minhyung, I agree." Taeyong chuckles as he discardes his hand from the top of his younger brother's head, "Even companies from other countries want us to send out trees to them, this will all go perfectly well."


"So, as my members are letting you pick out a color," Minho speaks as he gestures to the hologram behind him, "each color represents areas inside and outside the city, so that we can fairly set out you guys, accompanied by four members, to those areas to start planting the trees."

"And don't worry," Jisung interjects, "there are solar powered buses and other solar powered vehicles at your service to take you to your destination!"

The youngsters cheer at the announcement and prepare themselves for the trip, then Mark's troupe, consisting of his boyfriend, Donghyuck, of course, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin and Chenle, guide the volunteers to their designated buses. Once everyone are settled in their buses with their assigned organization members, one member has to document the activity and it is all just so miraculous so see people bond together and plant trees on behalf of their beloved mother Earth. To Minho, it all still feels like a dream, a dream he hopes to never wake up from, his dream to become one of those people to take the lead on saving the planet, his dream to make people smile and also, his dream to become someone that Jisung trusts and cherishes.

"Minho! Minho!" A child runs up to Minho with a big smile on his face, his hands are quite dirty, he figures that the child just finished planting a tree with his parent.

"Why, hello," Minho crouches down, "what's your name?" He asks, a warm smile drawn on his face.

"I'm Hyunho," he smiles, "and I would want to thank you!"

"Thank me?" Minho chuckles, "Thank me for what, Hyunho?" He tilts his head in pure curiosity.

"Thank you, because I could finally get to grow up in a happier and healthier place."

At first, not knowing how to react hearing things like those from someone else, let alone someone younger than him, Minho smiles, ruffling Hyunho's hair, "You're welcome, but I also want to thank you."

"Really? But for what?"

Minho chuckles, "For helping, not just only me, but many other people make this all possible."

"Hyunho! Let's get our hands washed!" A woman, probably, Hyunho's mother, calls out. Before Hyunho could run off, he looks at Minho and waves him goodbye.

"Cute kid." He says to himself, a grin painted upon his lips.

"Yeah, he is," someone else interjects, and as he looks for the owner of the voice, he sees Jisung smiling at him, making the corners of Minho's lips go higher, his smile widening, "I see you came to like kids."

Minho chuckles, standing up from being crouched down before approaching his boyfriend, "I always like kids, you just never see me interact with them."

Jisung shrugs, chuckling as he did, "You never told me that, though."

"And," Minho goes closer, "if I like them, I'm sure you would want to have them when the time comes," he says, sending a wink at Jisung as he makes a toothy smile.

Jisung slightly flinches, blinking his eyes rapidly, and a blush is visibly appearing on his cheeks, that reaction never made Minho tired, he always likes seeing Jisung flustered just because of either words or actions, "You're not reacting negatively, is that a yes, Ji?"


"Hey, Minsung!" Minho and Jisung flinches upon hearing the new nickname given to the both of them, as they turn their heads to the source of the voice, it is Chan, arms crossed over his chest, "We still have an activity for the kids, remember?"

"R-Right--" Jisung replies, stuttering as he does, "Be right there."

Just as Jisung is about to leave Minho's side, Minho grabs Jisung's wrist tugging him closer, letting his lips land on Jisung's cheek, taking him by pure surprise, "H-Hyung--"

Minho chuckles, "Run along now, Ji," Minho says as he slightly pushes Jisung away, "We'll discuss about this later." He adds as he watches a flustered and red Jisung run to Chan.

"I bet you're gonna propose to him before everyone knows it," Seungmin says as he stands beside Minho, but his eyes were on the camera as he views the pictures he took, "I'll upload these to my laptop and make a presentation for your wedding," he says, showing Minho the several stolen pictures Seungmin took just now.

Minho smiles, "Thanks, Seungmin," he chuckles, "I never thought you guys would be this supportive."

Seungmin slightly laughs, "Of course, I would be," he replied, "Jisung isn't my cousin for nothing, I might be like a mortal enemy to him, but I care for that nut case."


The program finished in a blur, everyone went home with their souvenirs, smiles on their faces, footsteps left behind and memories printed in their thoughts.

"I have wonderful news, guys," Taeyong says, leaning on the long table with his hands flat on the glass furniture, "other cities and countries has been asking for seedlings of the trees we have planted!"

It has been a week since the tree planting program, and the footage of the event spread quickly worldwide.

"That fast?" Minho asks, rather surprised.

"Yes," Minho's mother proudly answers, "There are cities within South Korea and foreign countries asking for seedlings and advice from the expert himself, no other than you, Minho." She says, making Minho flinch.

Minho pointed himself, "Me?"

"I would love to take over, sweetie, but," the woman pauses, smiling lovingly at her son, "I have things to take care of here."

"You've got what our Grandpa had taught you about trees and plants," Taeyong says, "Canada will even offer to give all of you guys scholarships just to lead volunteers within their cities!"

Minho glances at Jisung, who is sitting beside him, Jisung has a big smile on his face, and not only he does, but also the others, Minho turns to Taeyong and Mrs. Lee, and with all the courage he has, he says, "I'll do it!"

Remember to throw away your garbage properly.

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