🌆 Must Stop 🌆

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"Jisung," Minho says as he lies down flat on his boyfriend's bed, face first, "this must stop-" He says, as he let out a dramatic groan out of his mouth, "I can't stand the chaos that Seungmin and Hyunjin have been causing-"

"Min," Jisung turns his chair to face Minho, leaving the input of the brochure for the moment, just to talk to his lover, "what do you want me to do?"

"I was hoping that you could talk some sense into one of them," Minho says as he sits up, hugging a penguin plushie to his chest, "maybe have one of them have a few days off before the trip," Minho suggests. Hyunjin and Seungmin had been causing such chaos in the nursery, seedlings get mixed up, there were a couple plants that died due to too much fertilizer, and two sacks of dirt went to waste since Seungmin lost balance of the wheel barrow because of some cartain diatraction.

"How about I give them three days off?" Jisung suggests, his face lighting up at the idea, but his face sunk at a realization, "I had to go through Mom, though," he says, turning again to the input of the brochure for their nature project.

"Now who are going to replace them for the mean time?" Minho asks to himself as he lies down, he thinks deeper as he hums to himself, his eyes roaming around Jisung's newly cleaned room, then his eyes light up, and he jumps on the bed with a shout, starting Jisung, "How about we check if the people that left their numbers for the tree planting program would want to help?" Minho suggestively asks Jisung and the younger male nods, "Sure, I'll check if they are interested."


"A few days off?" Seungmin questions, his glasses getting crooked on his nose as he flinches by what he heard from Jisung just now. "What do you mean by that?" He adds, fixing his glasses, "Have I been causing so much trouble? I'm sorry- I just-"

Jisung laughs, patting Seungmin on the shoulders, "Look, I know you're getting tired and you haven't been getting enough sleep and rest, so Mrs. Lee, Minho and I have come to an agreement to give you a few days off," Jisung explains, finally calming Seungmin down, "and look," Jisung turned over to get some coupons from his drawer, "I got coupons from that place we went to when Chan talked to us, I know you love the drinks there, so it's all yours."

"Jisung," Seungmin looked at Jisung and down at the coupons, "you don't really have to."

"Oh, but I insist-" Jisung said, "I heard they have some new drinks made from the berries we have at the farm."

"Really?!" Seungmin's face light up just by hearing that.

"Too bad you're being so insistent on no taking the days off-"

"No!" Seungmin exclaims, and he snatches the coupons from Jisung's hand, "I'll take the days off- Thank you-"


Strolling down the sidewalk, Seungmin looks up at the tall skyscrapers, then the limits of the dome itself, glistening and filtering the sunlight.

He plugs his earphones on and listens to the daily news as he continues walking, taking in the sight of newly planted trees by the sidewalk and flowers bushes outside of homes and shops. The future is indeed near.

"Seoul City Mayor Choi Namgyu announces that within the next three years, the dome will be slowly taken down and the solar panels will be distributed to residents and shop owners to use-" Seungmin minimizes the volume of his phone as he sees the shop he is going to in sight.

"Well, looks like without Jisung and Minho's movement, no one would be making a move to a better home planet." Seungmin thinks to himself, he crosses a street and takes a left turn, then he checks his phone notifications if there are anything important. He then unplugs his earphones and tucks them away into his body bag.

Pushing the shop's door open, he is greeted with a jingle of the bell and the creetings of the employees of the shop, the aroma of not just artificial drinks and artificial coffee wafts the air, but he can also smell the sour-sweet scent of the strawberry milkshake that is free, if he gives out a coupon, and he can even get an extra one.

He goes to take a seat and goes to one of the tables at the far corner, where no one is sitting closeby. As he takes his seat, he hears the shop's bell open and the employees greeting another customer once again, and by instinct, Seungmin turns his head to see who it is, and he sees Hyunjin.

"Please, don't look here, please, please, please, please, please," Seungmin mutters under his breathe as he pretends to be scrolling on his social media, even when nothing interest is happening on there, "I beg whatever benevolent being out there to not make him turn his direction and see me-" Seungmin internally begs, his sweat almost breaking out.

And as if his heart quickly sinks into his stomach, he hears an all too familiar voice, "Kim Seungmin?"

"Darn it-"

"I'm surprised you're here," Hyunjin says as he walks over to Seungmin's table, "I'm sure you're here for that drink they're going to make out of the berries we've harvested the past week."

Ah, yes, the berries we harvested and almost spilled, because of your perseverance into asking me out- "Yeah, you're right," Seungmin fake smiles up at the other male, "Do you want to sit down?" What? No-no-no! Why did you ask him that? Please, don't take the offer, please don't take the offer-

"Really? Sure!" Hyunjin replies and he takes a seat opposite from Seungmin's, "I'm going to try the strawberry shake," he says and pulls out some certainly familiar coupons, "I'll treat you this time, it's a buy one and free one coupon after all."

"Where did you get that?" Seungmin asks as he peers over to look at the coupons, his brow arched at Hyunjin.

"Oh, from Minho," Hyunjin answers Seungmin, "he gave me a few days off and offered me these coupons to try the milkshakes-"

Seungmin's eye slightly twitches at the statement, "He did?"

"Yeah, why?" Hyunjin's expression turns into worry as he scratches the back of his head, "Is there a problem with that?"

"Sort of," Seungmin says, his voice trailing off, his digs his hand into his bag and takes out the coupons Jisung gave him the previous day, "Jisung gave me these when he gave me the few days off."

Hyunjin blinks at the realization of Minho and Jisung's plan, "Oh- Oh, shoot-"

"I know," Seungmin sighs as he rubs his temples, "typical for the two people in charge to do this, and for what? For all the trouble of lovers' tag?" Seungmin complains, slowly sinking into his seat, "It's not my fault the other guy won't leave me with my thoughts- Gosh-"

"Look, I won't pester you for an answer, if you want to think about it, okay," Hyunjin calmly tells Seungmin, "I just really want to hang out with you like we used to before the kiss, before me asking you to be my boyfriend, before everything that made...whatever we have into this mess."

"Fine, then," Seungmin says, smiling narrowly at Hyunjin, and then he stands up, the coupons in his hand, "I'll go and get us our orders, is that strawberry shake all what you need?" The younger male asks, Hyunjin nods in return.

Sorry for the typographical errors and grammatical errors, I'll fix them later.
Thanks for being patient with this book's updates.

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