🌇 Mutual Infatuation 🌇

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Minho and Jisung head back to Minho's home, the door seems to be unlocked, a kettle on the electrical oven, about to whistle at the second Minho and Jisung set foot into the house. Then a rumble of footsteps from upstairs approaches down to the stairwell, a woman in her middle age with a messy bun and a handkerchief on her hair used as a hairband meets Minho and Jisung at the bottom.

"Ah, Minmin, my baby boy," the woman quickly wraps Minho in a bone crushing hug as she smothers him with kisses, "I missed you, why don't you ever visit?"

"Mom," Minho's cheeks and ears turn red due to embarrassment, "Stop~" Minho whines as his mother pinch his cheeks.

"My boy, you have grown thin," the woman complains as she looks at Minho from head to toe, her eyes then are pulled to the attention of Jisung, her eyes softening at the sight of the light haired male, "So this is Han Jisung, quite a charmer," she says looking at Minho with a tease.

"It's great meeting you, Mrs. Lee-" Jisung bows before reaching out his hand for a handshake, but instead Minho's mother pulls Jisung into a tight hugs.

"Call me, Mom, if you may," the woman says with a smile on the face, parting from the hug and holding Jisung's shoulders, "Well, now, how's about tomorrow we build a small nursery at the backyard and grow some lovely sprouts?"

Jisung nods with a bright smile playing on his lips, "Yes, ma'am- I mean, Mom," Jisung sheepishly chuckles, his cheeks airbrushed in a tint of pink.

"Now, let's have some tea, shall we?" The woman goes into the kitchen, Minho and Jisung following right after and taking their seats as Minho's mother place a teacup with freshly poured warm tea into the cups.

They all take a sip from their cups, the warmth of the drink going through their system, "How's pops doing, Mom?" Minho asks, secretly playing footsie with Jisung under the table, a warm smile on his face.

The woman nods, placing her cup down, "Well, he's doing great, he's starting to make illustrations about making a change to our planet," she says, pulling out her phone from her pocket, "I sure hope his works don't get ignored and acknowledged." She unlocks her phone, goes straight to the gallery and shows Minho and Jisung a sample of Mr. Lee's digital artwork.

Jisung's eyes practically glimmered at the sight, it was a digital painting, the painting in half, one half is Earth's surface in present time and the other half is Earth's surface in the past and possibly in the future. The corner of Jisung's lips are tugged into a smile, "It's beautiful," he says under his breathe, Mrs. Lee turns to the light haired male, then smiles at him fondly.

"Something tells me that you and Minho together will make a difference, sweetie."


"Jisung, dear," the woman calls Jisung over to the outdoor table, an umbrella shading the table and the seats, Jisung walks to the woman and takes a seat beside her, she takes her tablet and shows Jisung photographs of the flowers she grows at her home, "aren't these just lovely?"

"They are," Jisung beams at the woman, "are those roses?"

"Yes," the woman smiles as she swipes, "the pink and yellow ones are my favorite." She says as she sighs in contentment, "Isn't it nice, seeing things like this? Don't they just calm your nerves?"

Jisung nods, showing his pearly whites at the woman, "My favorite flowers are daisies and sunflowers." He tells the woman, and her eyes pop wide open.

"Wherever did you find those?" She asks, anticipating an answer from Jisung, "I suppose you didn't just see them in virtual books or articles."

Jisung shakes his head with a smile, he glances at Minho, who was back from fetching water for the seedlings, for a moment and looks back at Mrs. Lee, "Minho actually took me to a hill where they grew, they were so beautiful."

Mrs. Lee dramatically puts a hand over her chest, drawing an offended expression on her face, "My word," she says, "why didn't my one and only son tell me about this one?"

Jisung chuckles under his breathe, Mrs. Lee calls out to Minho, who was in the middle of watering the seedlings, as she calls him the third time, Minho puts the pail down and approaches his mother and Jisung, "How come I don't know about your adventure to see the daisies and sunflowers?"

Minho blinks twice, pink dusting his cheeks, his neck and his ears, "Sorry, Mom," Minho says, averting his eyes, "I was going to tell you yesterday, but you and Jisung were having so much fun talking about the tallest and toughest trees, and the animals you wished that existed."

"No matter," she smiles, "I sure hope this adventure will be amazing to hear from you, how about after you rake care of the seedlings, we go and see those daisies you went to see? Hm?"


"Oh, Minmin, I forgot to bring my camera with me, can you please get it?" Mrs. Lee says as she turns to Minho who is standing by Jisung, by the sunflowers. Without another word, Minho climbs down the hill to fetch the said devuce.

Mrs. Lee turns to Jisung with a smile, the corners of her eyes wrinkling at that, "I understand that you both are deeply infatuated with each other, Sungie," she says, taking the lad's hand in hers and puts another hand over it, "all I ask of you is, please, stand by my son's side, be there to support him, it has been a while since I've seen him with that wide smile on his face, and he seemed to glow, please, continue loving Minho."

Jisung blinks rapidly, processing what the woman just said, then he nods his head earnestly, "Yes, Mom, I will." Jisung says, showing his pearly whites, a glint of determination and motivation in his eyes.

"Good," she smiles, "I don't want to rush you two, but let me know when Minmin proposes, okay?" Jisung sucks in a heap of air at that, his skin from his neck to his ears turning into a cherry shade, causing Minho's mother to laugh at how adorable his reaction is.

Minho returns at the top of the hill, the famera in his hand as he moves to the edge of the hill to sit down, then Jisung surprisingly sits right beside the older male, "Ah! Perfect!" Minho's mother exclaims as she sees the lovely situation right now, Jisung and Minho perched on the grassy ground with daisies and sunflowers healthily growing, a bright blue sky and an ethereal shade of orange filtering the scenario.

Mrs. Lee crouches down as she sets the camera to focus on Minho and Jisung, "Now, I want you two to smile, so I can show your father what a handsome boy Jisung is-"

"Do we really have to, Mom?"

"Yes, yes!" She quickly replies, then starts counting down, "Taking the picture in... Three..." Jisung poses to smile, and so does Minho, but Jisung looks up at Minho, meeting his smiley face, "Two..." Jisung then leans in, puckering his lips, slowly shutting his eyes, "One!" Before Minho and his mother could evem know it, Jisung has been captured kissing Minho's cheek, and Minho is wearing the happiest smile could ever see.

Minho flushes at the sudden act of affection from the younger male, his cheeks and ears turning red at that, his hand hovers over the area that Jisung kissed as he looks at Jisung with mixed, surprise and happiness, while Jisung, all he can do at that moment is smile sweetly at Minho. The two male's hearing a few camera shutters, causing them to turn their attention to Mrs. Lee, who is actually busy taking photos of Minho and Jisung.

"Perfect! Another one-"


Sorry for not updating!
Forgive me! I'll make it up to you guys soon!

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