I'm Pregnant

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The next morning Ruby woke up before Iain and went to the toilet as she threw up in the toilet and groaned so she opened the bathroom cabinet.

Ruby found a pregnancy test at the back of the bathroom cabinet so she did the test and waited for the results. Minutes later the test beeped as Ruby looked at the test and it said positive as she just smiled.

Ruby walked back into the bedroom with the test and shook Iain as Iain said" Ruby what's wrong?" Ruby handed Iain the pregnancy test as he smiled and said" I'm going to be a dad" as he pulled his wife back into bed and they both snuggled up.

Iain and Ruby got changed for work when Ruby looked at her tummy in the mirror and sighed as Iain said" what's wrong babe?"

Ruby said" in 9 months I'll be fat and hideous." Iain shook his head and said" loads of women say that when they are having their first baby and I'll be there with you for the scans also when you give birth."

Ruby nodded and held her husbands hands as she said" before we start our shift I would like to do the scans with my grandma cause I might need her support and we need to make a appointment."

Iain nodded and Iain locked up the front door then the couple went to work. When they arrived at the hospital Ruby said" I need to tell my dad as he would like to know that he is going to be a great uncle."

The couple walked into the hospital and went up to maternity as Duffy saw her granddaughter also she said" Guys what can I do for you?" Ruby took a deep breath and said" Grandma I'm pregnant as I did the test this morning so you and granddad are going to be grandparents again also Iain and I thought that you would like to do the scans so that I'm comfortable with somebody from my family."

Duffy smiled and said" I can do the scan now" as Iain smiled and followed Duffy into the room also he helped his wife on the bed. Duffy squirted some gel on Ruby's still flat tummy and wriggled the probe around until Ruby smiled seeing a small outline of her baby.

Iain and Ruby walked into the ambulance station where Finlay saw his goddaughter and smiled saying" A little bird told me that you are pregnant" as Ruby nodded and went into her dads office.

Josh looked up from his paperwork and saw his daughter as he said" welcome back how was the honeymoon?" Ruby smiled and said" it was good thanks and you are going to be a great uncle because your daughter is pregnant."

Josh smiled and placed his hand on Ruby's small bump as he smiled and said" So let me get this straight Mum will be a great auntie and I'll be a great uncle" also he hugged his daughter.

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