Chapter 30: The story

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Hi everyone!
As you see I am officially back with a new chapter just as I promised. And without any further ado, let's get to the story.


Rose's POV

"Now kids, allow me to tell you the story of this very special forest" Mrs Thompson began.

"You see, this forest is said to be enchanted" She said before she was interrupted by Alexa's annoying voice. Usually I'm sweet and kind to everyone but that girl is a pure nightmare.

"Enchanted? Really miss? You believe in magic and all this old stories? This things are for kids" Alexa said. The moment she finished, Joy started coughing a little bit. It seems like everytime someone says they don't believe, we are loosing our magic and become weaker.

"Well Alexa, old stories exist for a reason. Maybe someone saw something that they couldn't explain so they said that it was magic" Most of the children started whispering to each other after hearing what the teacher said.

"If you all would please allow me to finish what I was saying!" Mrs Thompson said rising her voice. This immediately worked and all the students stopped talking.

"Thank you. As I was saying, this is a very special forest. Legend has it, that a great battle took place here, that determined the history of human kind and change it for ever! " She said emphasising the last part. I have to admit, this story is getting interesting.

"But unfortunately it's just a story" Now I was disappointed.

"I got a special permit from the mayor so we could explore even the off limits areas. Just please be very careful and try not to brake something important or anything for that matter" The teacher warned us and then let us wonder of to the forest but with her always being close by.

I have to admit, the forest is really beautiful but there is something about it that I can't quit put my finger on. My thoughts were distracted by someone, I think it was John, who was yelling at us about something.

"Hey guys! You have to see this!" He yelled getting the attention of the class. The kids and the teacher came closer and saw what John was talking about.

In front of us was a field covered in dust, dirt and maybe sand. It looked really old. Also it had some kind of a familiar aura to it.

"Wow! Do you think it's a battle field? Because it definitely looks like one" Sofie pointed out. I admit, I hadn't thought of that but she was right, in the field there were somethings that looked like broken weapons, armours and so much more.

"We  should get down there and check it out" Kris said enthusiastically.

"I am not so sure Kris. It could be dangerous" The teacher said. I don't see what could be so dangerous about it, though it does give a funny feeling.

"Oh come on miss, we'll be careful, we promise" After some pleading the teacher gave in and allowed us to go down there but with her following us closely obviously.

~Time passed~

After some time of walking around, my eyes fell on something shiny that was buried on the ground. I kneeled down and tried to dig it up.

"What is it Rose?" Hawk asked me.

"I saw something shiny and I wanted to find out what it is" I replied.

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