Chapter 21: The mission

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Astoria's POV

After packing some necessary things for the mission like clothes, books and hair products, I went to my dragon and flew to the school garden where me and the rest of the team decided to meet. I arrived first like always nd waited for the others to come.

"So, is everyone ready? " I asked my friends whenever they had all arrived.

"As ready as you can be when you face whatever we are going to face at least" Travis answered.

"Oh don't be like that Travis. I am sure we will make it and save everyone. Like we always do. After all good always defeats evil" Joy said to encourage us. We need the encouragement. Most of us were really nervous, especially Rose. Something is going on and she doesn't want to tell us. I am sure of that. Hawk is trying his best to cheer her up but it seems that he is kinda failing. What is Rose thinking?

"Well I think it's time to head to the gate to meet our parents and grand parents" Lingling said waking me up from my thoughts. We agreed and started to walk towards the gate with our suitcase in hand.

~At the gate~

We meet our parents and grandparents at the gate. Our parents were kinda shocked when thy saw us with our suitcase.

"Don't tell me they got expelled?! " Hawk's dad said in a panicked voice. We looked at them weirdly. Didn't they know about the mission?

"Look, whatever they did I am sure they meant no harm. We can work something out. They don't need to get expelled. After all they are just kids" Travis' dad continued. Yep. They didn't know. Obviously granny and the rest of the teachers didn't manage to tell them before we arrive.

"The kids are not getting expelled" H. Cinderella answered in an annoying tone. Maybe because our parents jumped into conclusions before anyone and any chance to explain. Our parents had an "Oh" expression on their faces.

"We are sending them in a mission on Earth for approximately a week. That's why the suitcases" My granny explained.

"And when did we agreed to this?" Joy's mum asked the teachers.

"You didn't because we didn't ask you and we are not going to. They are going and this is final" Pretty. Snow White said rudely. That answer didn't seem to satisfy our parents. We decided to sit. This is going to take a while.

"But it's our kids we are talking about" Hawk's dad fought back.

"We don't have an other choice. It has to be people from our family and that have to be kids because they will be sent to a public high school" Or. Lefrog said. Our parents had nothing to say in response. They just looked at our grandparents confused.

"We'll explain everything in time. Don't worry" H. Cinderella said to them.

"But before we do, there are some things that need to be settle" Coach Beast said and told us to get up. Well that was quick. Granny them took out a box with six pendants and gave them to us.

"These pendants contain in one part some magic dust to boost you in case you need it. The other part contains your dragons breath so you can summon your Regal Armour" H. Cinderella explained.

"The kids also need to stay somewhere. Clara, Dave, Brittany, Mark, can we count on  you for that?" Pr. Snow White asked. Rose's and Travis' parents nodded.

"Of course. We can take the girls" Pr. Clara said.

"And we can take Hawk" Travis' dad said and our parents agreed.

"Rose, Travis, since the two of you have spent a lot of time on Earth you will be in charge of the mission. So, do you have anything planned?" Coach Beast said.

"Well since it's the weekend and school starts on Monday, we will take them shopping tomorrow for new clothes from school and on Sunday we will show them around the neighborhood. They need to learn to move around if they want to pass as normal students" Rose explained.

"Sounds like a plan. Good luck kids. We hope to see you again next week" H. Cinderella said. We said goodbye to our parents and grandparents and went through the portal ready to face our newest adventure.

~Time skipped~

Rose's POV

It was Sunday and we were walking in the streets. Our tour was coming to  an and. Yesterday was so much fun. We went shopping and bought new outfits and new shoes. Today was fun too. We walked and talked and time was the first time Hawk and I were able to hold hands in public without worrying if everyone saw us.

"And this place is called " Heaven's eyes ". It's called like that because it has the best view in all the city" Travis explained. Indeed this view is magnificent.

"It's so beautiful" I said and leaned into Hawk. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand gently.

"Indeed. Who knew that Earth had so many beautiful palacea" Astoria exclaimed.

"We did" Travis said referring to him and me. We all burst out laughing at his comment. I turned my head to look at the view better and that's when I saw them. I immediately turned my head back to my friends while secretly hoping that they didn't see me.

"Rose is everything okay?" Joy asked me. I couldn't answer her because somebody else talked before me.

"Rose? Is that you?! Where have you been? Don't tell me you've been avoiding us" A whiny voice said. I gulped and turned around.

"Hi John, Davies, Alexa" I reluctantly greeted the kids in front of me. I was really hopping not to bumped into them today. I was playing to face them at school on Monday.

"Wow Rose. You've changed. I can't tell if this is for the better or worse though" Davies said rudely. I didn't want to answer to him. The look on Hawk's face shows that he wants to say something but he doesn't for my sake. I am really grateful to him for that. There is no need to cause a scene in the middle of the street.

"So Cinderella, are these your friends? I didn't think you had it in you to leave your mices and your beloved shoes to interact with real people" John said sarcastically. Great. I am being humiliated in front of my friends and I don't have the courage to stand up for my self.

"Say guys, what's your problem? Are you always this mean or just woke up in the wrong side of the bed this morning? " Hawk came to my rescue. I didn't know he could talk back.

"And you are?" Davies asked Hawk after looking at him up and down. Right. I forgot to mention that granny changed Hawk's, Astoria's and Joy's hair colour so they could blend in better. Now they are just brown with some strings of their old hair. They look really nice honesty.

"Hawk" Hawk answered simply.

"So prince Charming I presume" John continued with his joke. Hawk might be nice and sweet but he is not to messed up with.

"Anyway. We have more important things to do. See you around Cinderella" Alexa said and left with the other two laughing.

"Who were these jerks?" Lingling asked me.

"These are our new classmates" I said sadly.

"You've got to be kidding me" Travis said but I nodded negatively. This is going to be harder than I thought.

To be continued.....

So that's all for now. Like I promised it was soon. I hope you liked it and I will see you again nest time.

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