Chapter 5: Fight for love

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Hi everyone!

Great news! I finally had my phone fixed! It's been like a month since I last used it. Now about this chapter, it's not that exiting but it's really important. Now back to the story.


Sofie's POV

"Girlfriend?!" We said surprised.

"She's dating a prince?" Were the only things that could think of. The others gave we a look that said: ' really? That's what you care right now? Not the mess we made?'

"Your granddaughter is dating my grandson?!" Snow White asked furious.

"Your grandson is dating my granddaughter?!" Cinderella asked furious too. There was an interesting tention in the room.

"Better get out of here befor things start to fly" The brow hair boy said. Good we are not the only ones that noticed the tention in the room. We nodded and got out of the room.

"What was that?" Nick asked.

"That's cald a fude" The sameboy told us.

"Um we haven't caught your names yet" I said.

"I'm Travis, this is Astoria, Joy and Lingling" He said.

"With all this chaos we didn't had the chance to properly introduse our selves" Astoria explained.

"It's okay but what is thiw fude all about?" Lily asked.

"It's a long story but the important thing is that the Snow White family and the Cinderella family hate each other" Lingling said.

" be fair, only pr.Snow White and H.Cinderella" Joy continioud.

"But that didn't meant a thing to Hawk and Rose but the decided to keep their relationship a secret, to avoid that situation." Astoria said.

"Speaking of which, here comes Hawk" Travis said. We saw Hawk running towards us. He stopped infront of us breathing heavily.

"Hawk, you ok?" Travis asked him.

"No I am not okay! I've searched the entire school but there is no sign of Rose" Hawk said disappointed.

"Wait, you searched the entire school or castle or what ever that is, in so litle time? I t's been like 15-20 minites since you left" Kris pointed out.

"When you're chased by princesses all the time, you learn to move around the school faster" Hawk replaid. We all looked at him oddly but he noticed.

"Never mind" He said.

"Have you looked at the possions lab?" Joy asked.

"Yes" He replaid and the questions continued, the one faster than the other.

"The library?" Astoria asked. Why would Rose be in a library?

"Yes" Hawk answered again.

"The dragon arena?" Lingling asked. They keed dragons in cages? What kind of persons are they? And how can they keep so big creatures in cages? 

"Yes" Hawk replaid like the answer was that ovious.

"Is her dragon misssing?" Travis asked. HER dragon?

"Yes" Hawk answer automaticaly. He seems to get annoyed by answering the same thi g over and overed. After he realised what he said his eyes were wide opened.

"Where could she be?" He asked even more worried than usual. That's it! I'am out! I don't understand a thing. 

"I don't get it! She has a dragon?" Din asked. Finaly my questions will be answered!

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