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Your POV:

I was flipping the pages of my book in maths and huffed "this is so boring" I whispered under my breath. I looked at the clock to see we still had half an hour left, I poked hajime why was next to me and whispered in his ear. "Hajime let's ditch the teachers asleep anyway, we can go to the ice rink with koushi and oikawa" he looked at me and shook his head, facing his paper and continuing the work, 'fine if he's not coming I'll go alone hmph'.

I grabbed my bag and slept out the door, I called koushi but no answer. He must be in class, I decided not to go to the ice rink I would have been alone anyway and went to the cafe near the university. I ordered my drink and sat on the bench, warming my hands with the cup "Hmph I don't need them to have fun"

I walked back to the apartment and put my pyjamas on since I had no more classes. "Hmm what should I eat" I looked in the fridge to see nothing but eggs, I grabbed the eggs and tried to make something. But I ended up burning it 'heh whoops'. Sitting on the counter, I pondered on what to do" I don't have much money to get something either" I was thinking when the thought dawned on me, "I guess I'll go find a job" I groaned, walking to the bedroom and changed again into winter clothes.

I was walking along the busy streets when I looked upon a hiring poster 'Ruby's bar..maybe it's a mixologist job, I could work the bar with a bit of practice I think' I ripped the number from the bottom of the poster and dialled it.

"Hello Ruby's bar how can we help you today?" A soft woman's voice said, "um hi I found a poster with a job hiring I was wondering if it was still available, the girl screamed almost like a child and excitingly shouted "yes! It's still open we've been looking for a new bartender for ages! Come down to the bar tomorrow morning  the address is xxx-xxxxxx we can talk more then, just ask for 'Alisa' and they'll let you in" I wrote the address and name on my wrist and nodded "thank you I'll be there!"

Koushi's POV:

I exited the classroom and started to walk to y/n's  favourite cafe where I expected her to be after hearing she had ditched maths from oikawa, I entered the shop and saw silky h/c hair from across the room 'y/n I told you not to skip classes' I chuckled to myself and sat opposite, her pinching her cheek. "Oi! What was that for??" She rubbed her cheek with her hand and looked up. "I heard you skipped maths, U deserved that sweetheart" I smiled and she laughed awkwardly. "Sorry but it was so boring! The teacher was asleep and we were just studyinggg" she gave me puppy eyes and I immediately forgave her.

We got back to the flat and we cuddled up on the sofa in our pyjamas " I got a job interview today" she suddenly said looking up at me " that's nice I know you've been wanting a job for a while" she nodded and started to drift off, resting her head on my chest whilst I stroked her hair. "I love you y/n, so much"


Your POV:

Run. He told me to run. I left him behind, to die...

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