sugas house

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I cant believe it, Sugawara Koushi kissed me! But, then he ran away. I'm not sure what I did but I hope I can fix it tomorrow. Wait does that mean were dating or not. uggghh in so confused why did he have to run away before I could ask him!

I was walking to school when I saw Koushi and Daichi talking to each other at the entrance of the gym. "hey guys" I said getting their attention, Daichi waved and gave Koushi a playful grin and he looked away from us. Is he still mad ?? What did I do.

"hey what's for practice today captain" I ask Daichi, he gives me a glare but carries on" i don't know coach said he has an announcement for us" I nodded and looked to Koushi "hey can I talk to you?" I ask. "oh y-yeah sure y/n" we walk to the bleachers and I turn to him.

" did I do something to make you mad, did you not like the kiss, did I get the wrong mes-""_no its not that! I just didn't know what to do so" "i'm glad, I thought I did something" I smile at him, he touches me cheek and I realize im crying "dont cry y/n, you know I hate to see you cry" he pulls me in for a tight hug. We stay like that for a couple of minutes.

i love his sweat embrase, something about it is just secure and safe. He pulls away and smiles which makes me smile back "god his smile is contagious" he starts to walk to the gym but turns back." oh and by the way, I loved that kiss". H-he loved it.....

"ok I have an announcement, next week we're going to a training camp in tokyo" keishin says "wow a training camp how cool!!" hinata says with stars in his eyes. "boke whats got you all exited its just a training camp" bakeyama scoffs and smacks the back of his head.

"i-its just that, ive never been to a training camp before and im gunna get to meet some awesome people" he replies in a serious tone. "damn that was kinda sad" i mutter to daichi he nods and whispers back "but he didnt have a team before us so we will give them the best training camp ever".

"hey y/n" i look up from my text book to see, koushi. "why are you still studying its lunch" i look around to notice that everyone had gone, well damn nobody bothered to tell me."yeah thanks koushi, um did you come here to have lunch with me?" i raise a brow he blushes but nods.

"hey y/n i wanted to ask you something" koushi speaks up.""oh what is it?" he looks down and plays with his food."i wanted to ask if you wanted to come over mine the day before training camp so we can go together" i smiled and nodded "yeah that would be awesome koushi".his eyes lit up and he carries on eating.

time skip to next week'

"ok dont forget that we have to meet back here at 3 am to get on the bus to tokyo"daichi says as we walk from my families shop, of course he bought us meatbuns again. "yeah yeah, thank you dad for the meat buns!" i joke and they all laugh. buuttt i quickly stop hen i see the deadly glare that hes giving me,god if looks could kill.

we say goodbye and me and koushi take the path to his house."hey are you sure its ok i mean your parents wouldnt want a girl to be in your room would you?"i ask him worryingly, i mean i would rather not be interrogated by his family."my parent arent home so itll be fine dont worry" he laughs and keeps walking.

we get to his house and he leads me to the living room."so, what movie do you want to watch thriller or action" he asks me picking up two disks"hmm.... thriller defiantly thriller" ive always been a sicker for thrillers. he puts on the movie and sits next to me and i cuddle into him. i feel koushi flinch as pennywise does a jump scare. I look up at him and he looks terrified. "hey hey look at me its ok its just a movie hes not gunna get you" I tease but he keeps on shaking so I pull him in for a deep kiss to calm him down, the kiss gets more passionate as he asks for entrance which I gladly give and he explores my mouth. I pull back and smirk.

"you finally calmed down" he laughs and leans his head on mine and huffs "you know I like you right, I mean its kinda obvious" he tells me, I smile and snuggle into him tighter "I love you too koushi" he looks at me and smiles" so does that mean your my girlfriend now?" he asks me and I nod back "but lets not tell everyone yet because I like the secrecy" he pulls me up to his room and we fall asleep in each others arms.

a/n: ok im just gunna say that that was awkward to write but were finally with koushi!!!! and thank you reader for, well reading this and voting I wpuldnt continue this series if I didn't think anyone was reading so thank you so much!!!! and I wanna thank @-sugarm0mmy- because she is awesome 😎...

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