the name game

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your pov

I was walking to practice as i heard what i thought was a herd but i turned around to quickly find it was hinata and kageyama "hey guys stop running your wasting your energy before practice!" i hear daichi yell to them. they quickly stopped after seeing him giving them a stare "damn if looks could kill they would be dead" i thought.

" ok so we have a practice match coming up in two weeks" keishin tells us. "whos it against coach?" daichi asks, we all turn to him awaiting an answer. " well were going against aoba johsai but there is a condition, kageyama must play during the whole match" takeda-sensai says while having a worrying look as always.

" what do they think were not good enough for them?!" tanaka yells while rolling up his sleeves as he was about to fight. "wait that means that sugawara cant play, will he be ok with that ?" i think "um but what about suga he wont be able to play" kageyama says looking over to suga"its ok i mean i do wanna see your quick attacks during a match against a powerhouse school" suga says half-heartedly " well if your sure suga then, lets do it!" takada-sensai says "yeah!" we yell.

time skip to after practice*

i grab my bag and run to suga who is walking out of the gym "hey suga wait up!" i yell to get his attention which it did. he turned around and smiled at me, i could already feel a blush creeping up my face." o-oh hey y/n do you want me to walk you home um you can say no if you want to i just thought-""that would be nice and i have something i want to talk tou you about anyway" i cut him off.

third pov

"oh god why is she so cute" sugawara thought as he was walking y/n home,"hey um what was it you wanted to talk about y/n?" suga asked as he stared into her deep c/e, a pink flush came to both of theyre cheeks "oh i wanted to ask if you were really ok with you not playing?" she asked the grey -haired boy worryingly.

"yeah im fine with it it will give kageyama a great opportunity" he says as his face drops to the ground with a frown on his face, she could tell he wasnt okay with it so she did the only thing she knew would comfort him.

your pov

i looked at him, i could tell he want okay but i dont want to see him that way. damn i know im gunna be so embarrassed by this tomorrow but its the only thing i can think of. i pulled him to me and put my arms around his waist giving him a hug "i know your not ok just let it alll out i wont judge" i said as i felt tears filling my eyes. i started to hear small crys from suga as he leant his head on my shoulder "im sorry y/n i didnt mean to cry like this it just hurts you know?" he started to talk into my shoulder "i get we want to win but this is my last year and i dont know if i will carry on with vollyball after highschool and i wanna play as much as possible before then".

third pov

after a few minutes of them both crying he looked up from her shoulder and looked at her"thanks y/n i really needed that" he smiled whilst blushing she smiled back and they carried on walking home getting to know each other better by the time they were at y/n's house they had basically felt as if they had known each other theyre whole lives.

"hey y/n?" suga asked her as they walked up to the house,she turned to see his face looking flustered and nervous "yeah what is it suga?" y/n asked a bit worryingly.

"since i call you by your given name you can call me koushi" he said and smiled." i felt like i am about to explode" "oh-um sure if thats ok with you?" she asked as they were both blushing madly "yeah its only fitting right" she nodded because she had no choice of words that werent embarrassing."ok see you tomorrow y/n!"he quickly said whilst still blushing"yeah see you tomorrow..koushi" she said hesitantly as it was new to call him that.

he stopped and turned smiling at her abnd nodded befor walking to his own home.

your pov

omg omg i cant believe i just called him koushi im going to dieeeee his name is so cute like him uuggh im definatly in love....WAIT LOVE no not already!!!!...............i think?

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