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i was walking out of my door for morning practice when i heard a soft voice call my name "y/n, wait up !" i turned to see koushi running at full speed trying to catch up to me, "hmm what if i..." i smirk at the evil thought and shout to koushi" if you wanna catch up you, gotta go fast!!" is ran away from him in a fit of laughter though i doubt he knew what i meant ;).

i ran around the corner of the gym hiding from him whilst out of breath. i turned to look around the corner to see if he was there but he wasnt "hmm i didnt think i went too fa-""ha got you!!"i fell over in a state of shock. felt a hot breath on my face, looking up i saw koushi on top of me and we both got into a fit of laughter. but i soon stopped after realising what position we were in.

"um k-koushi?" her stopped laughing and looked at me staring into my e/c eyes he saw i was flushed pink and looked at me in shock "oh! im so sorry y/n! " he exaggerated as he got off of me bowing a ninety degree angle. i saved my hands in front of my face indicating that it was alright. "'cough'" we turned to see the whole team staring at us some looking jealous while others smirking at koushi "so um, suga! y/n! what were you doing on the floor on top of each other?" daichi asked slyly whilst raising his eyebrows to koushi"its not what you think! i was chasing y/n and i accidentally fell on top of her! i promise!" koushi said whilst frantically waving his hands in front of his face "hmm.. sure ok then, BACK TO PRACTICE EVERYONE!" daichi yelled to the team"yessir" they replied with. but little did we know that someone else was also waiting in the shadows.

third pov

y/n was looking through her bag looking for her bottle but couldnt find it "oh um key koushi can i borrow your water bottle i cant find mine" i shyly asked whilst tapping my fingers on my arm"OHH~ SINCE WHEN IS Y/N CALLING SUGA BY HIS FIRST NAME?" tanaka yells causing the whole gym to face us "h-hey its not what you think its just t-thin-""-hey are you guys dating?!" hinata asks us with not one sliver of shame (like the pure little baby he is).

"WHAAATTT NO WERE JUST FRIENDS"we both yell at the same time causing a certain salty french fry to flinch at the scene" oh got there even saying the same sentences now" which made yamaguchi laugh."nice one tsuki"

"shut up"

"sorry tsuki" he apologised. i just walked off in a state of shock forgetting about the question i asked before and started to practice my serves, USING TSUKISHIMA AS TARGET PRACTICE(hehe evil)

time skip brought to you by kageyamas love for his milk(HE NEEDS SOME MILK)

your pov

as i was walking to class i could hear mutters and whispers being spread around the school like wild fire to a bush, there were certain people staring at me in utter disgust but i payed to attention as i was already ticked off today.i sat down in my seat waiting for class to start as i heard a student say, "hey did you hear rumour has it that y/n only joined the boys vollyball club to get the boys and they say in her last school she was a real slut""yeah i heard that she was forcing herself onto their vice-captain sugawara-senpai".

i was in shock, i felt as if my world was crumbling down. how, how did they know the rumours in my old school it was in the Uk for asahis sake!and how could they think that i would ever do that to koushi! i stood up and ran out of my class room disregarding the teachers call for me to come back and ran to the rooftop gasping for air."breath, breath y/n its gunna be ok i mean the boys wont believe the rumours, right?"i cuddled into my knees and started to cry.

"i always knew you were a slut" a female voice say to me i look up to see a girl with brown long hair and black orbs looking strait at me with three other girls behind her"huh?who-who are you guys?" i ask terrified at the deadly aura surrounding her and them." you know sugawara-san will never like you right? i mean, come on! look at you , look at your pathetic excuse for a human being!"another girl said making them laugh.

"how dare you force sugawara-san to do that stuff to you, you -you slut!" another shouts to me making me cry even more."ugh just shut up already!" the main girl shouts kicking me onto my back and repeatedly slapping me until i felt no pain anymore on my face, a minute after she had stopped i felt a sharp tug on my hand making me look up to see two girls holding my hand down with their force and another holding a lighter.

"this is what happens when someone messes with my suga you skank" the brown girl said to me whilst holding something over the lighter " gag her we dont want to draw attention to our selves now do we?" she says pointing to a piece of old cloth on the floor, one of the girls stuffs it into my mouth making me gag and look up at the ring leader who looks as though she is done heating up the thing she is holding.

"wait,i-i know what that is, it- its a metal brander!" i was trying to plead to them but they didnt listen they just were laughing with each other. "now are you ready, slut" she said and got closer to me with the metal brander, i was pulling, trying to get away but the two other girls were very strong.

third pov

the leader got closer to y/n withe the metal brander in her hand " now are you ready, slut" she smiled and got closer . she grabbed her hand and lined up the metal rod to her hand, she pressed it harshly on her hand and you let out an blood curling scream"ahhhhhhhhh!

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