Old friend

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your pov

"be honest the real reason you joined the boys volly was to get your caws into us, wasnt it?" nishinoya accused.

w-what no! why would you think that?!" i shouted on the verge of tears, why would they think that!

"well thats what you did in your old school wasnt it !" tanaka yelled causing me to flinch.

"who told you that!" i squeak back. i look around for someone to defend me but they all just look angry and sad, some just looked away.i looked down to stop myself from crying.

"hey look at us!"he grabbed my arm forcing me to look at him and looked to scary.

"h-hey get off!" i panic trying to get noyas hand away.

"HEY!" i hear a voice from behind me yell making me turn to see koushi enraged like ive never seen him before.

"stay out of this suga you dont know what shes done/doing"tanaka tells him pushing him back

"hey you guys need to calm down now" yamaguchi tries to tell them but they just ignore him.

"you know what you should have just stayed in the uk, you - you sl--" 'slap'! i look to see that suga had slapped noya in the face."how DARE YOU say that to y/n! what did she ever do to you!" he grabs noyas collar and yells again "you better apologise NOW tanaka, nishinoya" he says in a serious tone.

"im not going to say sorry do you even know what theyre saying!" tanaka yells to koushi.

" i dont care what people think!" he yells. he lets go of nishinoyas collar and grabs my arm,"come on y/n ill take you home" he tells me i nod and let him pull me away.

we carry on walking to my house in silence but koushis still holding tightly onto my hand in a protective manor." im sorry for tanaka and nishinoya i dont know whats going on with them but theyre attitude towards you was completely unacceptable" koushi tells me as he stops walking.

"oh no its ok i mean with what the school is saying i dont blame them" i say forcing a smile.

"please dont lie i know its not okay and i know it must be hard" he says in a serious tone.

"hey, thanks for walking me home koushi" i smile at him. he turns his head away but i can see his ears turning pink"n-no its no problem really" he says to me.

time skip to the morning of the practice match'

most of the team still haven't talked to me, the only people who have are the third years(minus asahi) because they dont believe the rumours. were on the bus and im sitting next to koushi leaning on his shoulder whilst listening to music.

"hey koushi, thank you for not ditching me and letting me lean on your shoulder"

"oh no problem y/n!" he smiles at me causing me to smile back"god that handsome smile must be contagous".

we get to the school and walk to the gym inside"wow this is huge!" hinata yells causing me to laugh."boke! this is a normal sized gym"kageyama protests.

i look at the team and see a face that i thought i would never see again"hajime!" i yell to the man, ge looks at me in shock as i run up to him hugging him tightly."i thought i would never see you gain!" i say in tears h smiles at me and say.

"i missed you too y/n! what are you doing here tho i thought you were in england?" he asked, i could swear he was secretly crying." i moved back a couple of months ago due to some reasons" i say without a smile, worry is all over hajimes face"do you want to talk about it later?" he asks and i nod.

third pov

"hey iwaizumi who's this hot chick?" a man who looks like an onion asks.

"oh kindaichi this is my old friend y/n ive known her longer than oikawa"he answers with a grin on his face."well i have to go ill see you later hajime"y/n tells him.she waves and runs back running for the exit.

koushis pov

"hey y/n how do you know that guy?"i ask as y/n is walking up to us"yeah is he your boyfriend"hinata asks. "oh god i hope not" i look to her for an answer as she goes red."oh hajime? no he just my old friend from before i moved to the uk" she answers "oh thank god i was beginning to get jealous, oh god what is this girl doing to me?" i thought.

"ok then lets warm up!" daichi exclaims, we begin warming u and i can see from the corner of my eye that guy who y/n was talking to looking at y/n way, i grit my teeth in frustration as i see him blush at her.

"hey suga are you ok"my brunette friend asks me, i look at my hand and realise its in a fist, i look back at my friend releasing my anger" oh its nothing daichi, just thinking about something" i reply. "was it something or someone~" he whispers grinning at me. i pout my lips and shake my head trying to get rid of my blush. he nods clearly not believing a word i say and carries on warming up.

your pov

im on the bench next to koushi watching the match commence, nii-chan says that he will put me in on the second set so i can see how the other team plays first which i agree is a good idea."do you think we will win?"koushi asks me as were eyeing the game.

" have faith in them koushi! remember we have those crackheads on our team, were bound to win" i smile and he laughs"yeah i guess your write y/n,and dont worry about the team theyre just being fussy and stupid they will come around" he says to me and grips my hand reassuringly, nod and look back at the game. 13-24 to seijoh damn we arent having a good start. their setter sets it to hajime and he spikes it to our side giving them the first set.

"shake it off guys we can get the second set!" i say as theyre making there way to the bench"yeah thanks y/n" tanaka yells as he fist pumps the air.

i make ny way to the court for the second set and see hajimes face as i take my stance. i smirk at him which he smiles back at me.

its my serve and i hold the ball in one hand getting ready to serve. i look strait to onion head and smirk. i throw the ball up and jump "a jump serve"kindaichi thinks as he gets ready to recieve. i hit the ball with nearly all of my power and it whizzes past the net and lands with a 'bang!' next to onion head causing all of them to sweat drop.

"holy shit what was that?!" one of the team members said "why is everyone surprised when i do something good!" i yell in anger.they just look at me gobsmacked so i roll my eyes and serve again. i manage to get to 4 points till one managed to receive it but it left a bruise on his arm. kindaichi spikes it but we manage to block it getting another point.

by the end of the set we won by three points but when i thought we had it in the bag i heard girly screams from the door and a boy with chocolate brown hair going to the other team"what the hell took you so long shittykawa!" hajime yells and hits the man on the head.

"oww! iwa-chan is that how you would treat an injured man!" he whines while holding his head."yep" he simply replies with a smug look . he sits on the bench and brings out his phone. "who is that?"i ask the team "its their official setter oikawa toru he was my sepai back in kitigawa"kageyama replies "wow then he must be good " i thank him and turn back to my position.

time skip to after the game cause everybody knows how it goes'

i walk up to the bus and hear someone calling my name "oh its you,oikawa right?" "yup and you must be a fan to know my name, i must say you were quite the player in that match im impressed" he tells me and i just roll my eyes "god hes obnoxious" i see hajime sneaks up behind him and hit him.

"hey dont be so stuck up shittykawa, im sorry y/n he has no manners" he apologises to me, i wave my hands and tell him its ok. "anyway hears my number so we can keep in touch" he hands me a note and i thank him."bye hajime and shittykawa" i say and hajime laughs at my words.

"hey y/n ill see your tomorrow" koushi waves me off and takes his own route home. i get into my house and lay on my bed,"god that was tiring" i change to my lounge wear and go to bed.

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