keeping a secret

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i was laying in bed with my boyfriend, koushi when he decided to say the strangest idea "hey y/n ive got an idea, what if we pretend we arent dating and pretend we got into a fight" i looked at him strangely "what why?" i asked him and he laughed "well it would be funny to keep it a secret and we wouldnt get bombarded with questions about us" i nodded but i still didnt understand the part of getting into a fight "and it would be more believable if they thought we had a fight and hated each other and then we could do whatever we wanted in private" he save me a smirk and i flushed red "what is this sly man thinking" he cuddled into me and fell asleep still flustered at the thoughts entering my mind.

we got up at 2:30 and put on our gym kits, we held hands as we walked out the door to the school. as we got there koushi pulled me around a corner and kissed me. "you remember what to do?" i nodded and smirked "this is going to be so much fun" i had said, id gotten used to the idea when i was asleep and now it made me more exited than nervous "you go first then ill follow" i nodded and left in the streets.

"ok y/n time to put on your faze" i made my eyes look like they had been crying which they were as on our way to school we had watched a sad dog video, i mean who wouldnt cry at that. i walked onto the bus and all eyes were on me i ignored them and went to sit next to daichi. he looked at me worryingly and i said id tell him later. a few minutes later koushi came on and he looked really sad and angry "damn hes a good actor" i thought and he sat next to asahi.

we got to nekoma and we were greeted by a rooster and a pudding head, i think there names were kurro and kenma? they took us to our rooms to let us get some rest, i slept with the third years as nobody thought it would be appropriate to bunk with tanaka and nishinoya, which i agree with (sorry tanaka and nishi but its true), once we got to the room daichi dragged me to the bathroom. "ok what happened because you look like you have been crying" he asked firmly. i looked at him and shed a fake tear "me and koushi got into an argument and it didnt end well" i said looking at the ground, i felt something wrap around me, it was daichi hugging me."in sorry that happened dont worry though suga can be stubborn sometimes, he just needs time" he let go and wiped my tear "it'll be ok" he reassures me. i kinda feel bad for lying, naahhh. we leave the bathroom and go to our beds. i look at koushi and he gives me a wink, "damn this man and his good looks" .

at practice things were tense, me and koushi were still giving each other the cold shoulder in public but in private we were the opposite. it was romantic the time we had together and koushi was so sweet. "hey y/n focus!" i was snapped out of my thoughts and got ready for the ball, i hit it with all my power and it hit the floor with a bang"nice y/n! you can go now your finished with practice" i grab my jacket and head out the gym, once i got to my room i got my pj's and got changed. walked out the bathroom to see a topless koushi. "oh im so sorry ill leave!!!"i go to run out of the room but something stops me, a kiss from koushi which turns into a full makeout session.he smiles and walks back to his bunk to get changed. "hey koushi how long do you recon we can keep this secret?" i ask, he pulls me against him and says "for as long as we dont get caught" i smile and go in for another kiss.

"well i think you just did" i quickly turned to see.........

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