the game

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"*whistle blow*"

(your pov)

yamaguhi started the match with a float serve to our side but nishinoya managed to received it and tossed it so sugawara, "suga over here!" I jelled while waving my hands he smiled sweetly and served it to me i jumped and smacked it to the ground to fast for anyone to even take notice.            " yess!". everyone around me looked stunned and the gym went silent,
"w-what was that?!" kageyama asked while pointing a finger at me "um my spike??" i questioned i didnt see what the big deal was i mean i wasnt even using my full power
"come on (y/n) dont hold back!" keishin yelled to me " oh sorry i guess i was just a little rusty oni-chan" i said asahi tapped my shoulder and said

" are you saying that you can do better than that?!"i nodded and he looked like he was gunna feint.

we ended the mach with the score 25:19 which was pretty good in my books. daichi invited us all for meat buns down at my families shop to welcome me to the team so we were all heading down there now.

"hey (y/n) can i ask you a question?" hinata asked and i nodded
"um what happened to your right hand(or left if you want)?" "hinata!!" kageyama yelled hitting the back of his head

" no its ok kageyama i mean i dont mind"
they all looked at me with waiting anticipation " well i was born like it so ive had it my whole life actually, its called poland syndrome and honestly i like it cause i think its cute !" sugawara smiled and agreed with me " yeah i think it is kinda cute ,ha" i went bright red after realising what he said i mean i've never had a compliment like that before, they all seemed to nod and i felt happy for the first time about my hand and i didnt feel as if it was a curse or something.

"thank you sugawara-senpai that means allot" i smiled at him and he looked a bit pink after. I started to run as I saw the shop yelling "MEATBUNSSS" they all laughed with me and ran to catch up.

i cant wait for tomorrow its my first day at kurosano its gunna be awesome!!!!

*time skip to tomorrow*

i got up at 6:15 with plenty of time to get ready and walk to school. i put on my school uniform and ran downstairs for breakfast "hey keishin whats for breakfast?" He looked at me with a tired look gesturing to the food and saying.
"eggs and bacon oh and dont forget to come to practice after school I wanna practice their recieves and your spike will be perfect for that" i nodded smiling at him then sat down to eat my food.

*time skip to school cause im lazy*

i walked into my classroom and almost everyone stared at me looking almost, disgusted and confused at me. i walked to me seat, head down to draw the attention away it mostly worked but whenever I looked up I could see someone staring at me. this, this is why i hated school i remembered now all the bullying all the remarks.

i hated it, i hated me. all during the day people would look at me wierdly and i just wanted to go home and cry in my pillow but i promised keishin and i don't wanna seem disrespectful not going to practice anyway.

all through practice i didnt feel right i just didnt have the energy for anything but i put on an act to stop people from questioning me.when I was spiking there wasn't much energy as before either. "Hey y/n you want us to walk you home" I could hear suga ask but I didn't look at him and instead raced to the door ignoring all of them.why?i have no idea, maybe because i couldnt look at their faces or maybe because i just didnt care but ever since i met them and especially ive felt different i cant explain it but whenever im around them I feel warm and ,comfortable.

But when I look at suga I can't help but get flustered at the sight of "him does that mean.? I mean I've just met him I couldn't possibly have a crush on someone already!!" I muttered to myself while walking home.

a soon as i got home i ran to my room locking my door and layed on my bed thinking about tomorrow and what misfortune i will have but to be honest i dont really care anymore.
But mostly I was thinking about suga and getting to know him and the team better "who knows they might just be my saviours" I said to myself before quickly falling asleep.

the broken prodagy (sugawara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now