Too Dry

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The next evening at dinner, Mom made my least favorite food, pot roast, the meat was always too dry and chewy I could hardly swallow it. The potatoes are always spicy from too much pepper or whatever it is. She does this to force feed me shit that I don't like. She knows damn well since I was little that I can't stand overly dry meat, and yep, after the divorce she does this complete bullshit to me and I know Brad encourages it even more.

"Eat your roast," Mom said.

I took bites of the rest of the veggies leaving the meat. Mom noticed I still had the brown dipped cotton testicles they call meat left on my plate.

" still have your meat," she said.

"Mom, it's too dry, you know I don't like it when-"

"You're eating it anyway, pot roast is good for you, we say this each time we have food that you don't like: you're gonna sit here until you eat it. Ain't that right?"

Mom turned to Brad who nodded.

"Damn straight, you better eat it or you're spending the night here."

I just sat there. 

After about ten minutes, they left me at the table.

"Looks like you're staying the night at this table, if we hear you move from your chair with that meat still on there, you're gonna clean the whole house top to bottom."

They left the dining room and upstairs to their room.

Another five minutes passed, I got the plate and raked it in the garbage, buried it with a couple paper towels so they won't really suspect it. I heard Mom run down the stairs as I put my plate in the sink, she had her robe on, I bet she was about to buttfuck Brad.

"Did you eat it!?" She yelled.

"I did, every bit of it."

I then sensed I was being watched. As Mom lifted the trash can lid up, I looked out the living room window to see Layne. What was he doing here? I motioned him to get down so Mom wouldn't see him.

"There's paper towels in the trash, suspiciously placed, like you're trying to hide something."

"Mom, I ate the meat, I swear. Why are you so paranoid?"

"Because I know you, you're a secretive, lying, ungrateful brat. If you lived with your father, you would be fat and spoiled, you don't wanna end up like Augustus Gloop from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory do you?"

"It's a work of fiction Mom."

"I'm saying your father always spoiled you rotten, one of the reasons I hate him so. You need the tough love kind of parenting, the way I was raised."

"I wasn't raised in large acre farm like you were, where everyone was working in the fields. Besides being here is no different anyway."

"You're saying you ate your dinner all gone?"


She got a bowl, put some pot roast in it , and warmed it in the microwave. That bitch!

I looked out the window to see Layne's black toboggan popping out, Mom wouldn't notice. I turned back to her.

"Here, you like it so much now, here's some more, eat it or you're sleeping in that small uncomfortable chair the whole night."

I sat down as she went back to her room to allegedly get her freak on. Layne opened the door as quietly as he could and walked to me.

"Hey Sky," he whispered.

"Hi, what're you doing here Layne?"

"I wanted to ask you to hang with me for a couple hours, we could go out, rob a liquor store or something."

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