Paper Thin

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I woke up feeling confused as hell because I heard a gunshot right before opening my eyes. I heard Matt groaning, guess it woke him up too.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered.

"Yeah, gunshot or something."

"Who was it?"

"Well, the only person that I know of who owns a gun other than the cops is Feck, he has killed someone before."

"I had no idea whether or not it was actually real, hence I was having a shitty dream about being shot."

Matt sat up.

"Oh my God Sky! Who was it?"

"I don't know. The sound was behind me."

He sighed.

"See Matt, I told you last night you're a good person. What time is it?"

"Wait...wait! Did this person talk before shooting?"

"Yeah, he sounded like Layne, he said that I should regret being a fucking snitch."

"You know it was only a dream."

"And there's a slim chance this dream is my future."

"And I'll use all my power to keep that from happening, even if I have to kill Layne."

"If you kill, you'll go to jail."

"Anything to protect my girl."

He kissed me on the cheek.

"What time is it Matt?"

"Seems like it's still early, the grass is kinda damp, river's foggy a bit."

"And we gotta get to school."

I stood up.

"Come on Matt, we're going to school."

He hesitated but stood up too.

"I'm taking both backpacks with me in case someone tries to steal it."

We got our stuff and went to school.

We walked into class earlier than class time. Mr. Burkewaite was sitting at his desk with a shocked look on his face.

"Well I'll be damned, Matt, you're not late for once."

"Get used to it...I think," Matt said.

"So, you're actually gonna try to be better in school?"

"...I guess...thanks to Skylar, she showed me my true potential."

"Well, Matt, Skykar, I'm proud of you both, your parents will be proud of you."

"No they won't," we said in unison.

Me and Matt looked at each other.

"And why is that?"

"It doesn't matter Mr. Burkewaite."

Then the bell rang, we took a seat. Our classmates walked in, Maggie gave me a hug before sitting at the desk beside me.

"Before we get on with the lesson, I have some bad news."

"I know what he's gonna say," I whispered.

Mr. Burkewaite continued.

"We found out why Jamie hasn't been here the past few days...someone reported a body by the river, it was Jamie, she was choked to death by Samson Tollet, he was found dead the next morning in the same place Jamie was found, he was shot."

John's dead, what a relief, I think it's all over now. I smiled, feeling like a huge weight was lifted.

"Why are you smiling Skylar?" Mr. Burkewaite asked.

"I'm just happy, you know, happy that this is all over. John seemed happy he did it, he showed her naked body to his buddies like it was his masterpiece."

"You were there!?"

"No, he did it by himself, the next day, he showed it to us like he was proud."

"How come you didn't report it earlier!?"

"Me and Matt reported it last night, let's just be happy it's over now!"

I started crying hard, laying my head down. I heard Matt in front of me turning around, resting his forehead on my head.

"You all kept that for a while."

"Yeah, the adults are fucking useless in this town, Detective Bennett doesn't believe that my mom and step dad are fucked up! I feel like I'm on a sheet of paper thin ice, and I'm pretty sure Matt, Layne, and the rest of us feel the ssame way about this whole thing!"

"I do," Matt whispered before kissing me on the head.

I heard Maggie get up and walk to me.

"I feel the same way."

She hugged me. I heard a couple faster footsteps in my direction.

"I do too."

It was Tony's voice.

"Me too Sky."

That was Mike's voice.

"It's over right?" I asked.

"Yeah," Matt said.

"I'm sorry you all had a rough week, but let's be glad it's over now. Skylar, you need to go to school counselor and talk about this?"

"No, I'll be ok, it's over now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Mr. Burkewaite, I'm fine."

I sat up and looked at my friends and boyfriend.

"I'm so glad I have you guys in my life or I wouldn't make it."

They smiled, we went back to our seats and started the school day.

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