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We went back to school in time to meet the rest of my friends except John, at our hangout.

"I've been thinking about our future after we graduate and stuff," Maggie said.

"I'd live in a treehouse with lottery cash, no job, just doing whatever the hell I wanna do. No worries man, just paradise," Layne said.

"I'm thinking of a fashion career, imagine being high while designing clothes."

"That'd be trippy man. I'd open my own bike shop," Tony said.

"I'd join Tony man, imagine being high while designing an original bike design, it'd look like the Batmobile," Mike said.

We giggled.

"I'd be one of those detectives, like Sherlock Holmes, looking for clues and solving crimes," I said.

"You gonna smoke a pipe?" Matt asked smiling.

"No, Matt."

"Can you imagine being high while looking for clues Skylar, especially when if you're a private eye you know? You'd get caught," Layne said.

"Life's not all about getting high or drunk Layne."

"It could be."

"I wanna go to Portland, taking you guys with me if you wanna go," Matt said.


Layne was interrupted by Tony.

"Gimme a cigarette man."

"You fucking gave up cigarettes," Layne said.

"I gave up yesterday, not today."

"I gave up lending."

Layne gave him a cigarette anyway.

"Learn some self control, you're interrupting, go on Matt."

"I don't know, I just figured we could dump this place, you know? Go up there and if we like it we stay, don't come back."

"Where did you get Portland?" I asked.

"Well, nobody knows us up there."

"People know us here?"

"I know you babe," Layne said imitating Sonny and Cher.

"That's really annoying Layne."

Layne turned to Matt.

"So what man? We could be lumberjacks or something."

"There's other things to do."

"Like what?"

"Like getting stoned," Maggie said.

We laughed.

"It almost sounds like a plan, except we're all broke and I'm the only one with a car," Layne said.

"We could just all take our parents money, take off, discover America, and make like we're Easy Rider plus five," Tony said.

I grabbed Maggie's hand and checked her watch.

"Shit, I gotta go! Mom and Brad's gonna have a spaz attack if I'm late coming home."

I stood up and gathered my stuff.

"She's sucking up to her parents," Layne taunted.

"I'm not sucking up asshole-"

I saw John walk to us.

"Hi John."

"Didn't think you'd make it today. Where's Jamie?" Layne asked.

"I killed her," that was his reply.

"She's sick, probably hung over from last night...You what?" I asked.

"I killed her."

"You're strange John, let me walk Sky home," Maggie said.

I got up and started walking with Maggie

"See ya guys!"

"See ya!" I heard Matt and Layne shout.

I walked in my home to Mom and Brad on the couch.

"I'm home."

I walked to the kitchen, Brad followed me as I got a glass from the cupboard.

"You're later than usual, that's kinda suspicious once me and your mother think about it."

"I was talking with Maggie and we lost track of time, I didn't mean to."

I filled the glass with water.

"You should be concentrating on your studies instead of hanging out."

"You mean I'm not allowed to have fun every once in awhile?"

"School comes first, especially on a school day where you're given homework and tests to study for. There's too much time for school stuff to be off partying or God knows where and what teenagers do while we're asleep."

"I'm in my room sleeping, I'm not like that. And plus, I'm a kid, kids need to have a childhood and have fun sometimes."

"You're a senior in high school, you need to be studying for your future, you're pretty much not a kid anymore."

"I'm not even eighteen yet."

"What was that?"

"I said I'm not even eighteen yet, and when I do, you'll kick me out because I won't be a kid anymore, because that's the type of parents you guys are."

"How dare you! Honey, get in here and see the way our 'kid' is acting."

Mom got up and walked to us.

"Oh I saw it alright, she can be so ungrateful, she has clothes, she has food and water, she has a warm and cozy house to live in, she should be grateful she has a home and parents who love her very much and know what's best for her."

"Yeah, one small step out of line and I'm fucked."

"Yep you are, you're grounded the rest of this week, no more hanging out with Maggie and her stoner buddies, they're a disturbance in your learning environment. One more week for cussing."

"Maggie and her stoners are the only friends and fun I've been having nowadays."

"Another week, keep going young lady."

"What's the point?"

I took a sip of my water as I left the kitchen to my room. I sat my water on my nightstand as I saw Cheetah jump on my bed happy to see me.

"Hi Chee Chee, how was your day?"

She just looked at me purring loudly.

"Yep, you did, I bet it feels good just to lay around the house and do nothing but shit and sleep while your master's at school."

I scratched her chin.

"Good girl."

I guess I have no choice but to sneak.

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