Oh no you didn't .......

15 5 3

Avery’s POV

I.B dropped me off on his way home. I quickly had a bath and changed into my nightwear. I scrolled through my phone till I received a text on my second phone; I checked the text and it was from an unknown number which was weird.


ME: Hi?

UNKNOWN NUMBER: I’m KAAL, I know you do not know who I am but I am one of Alec-Ambrose’s friend. We didn’t meet at the party though.

ME: Okay, were you the drunk one?

UNKOWN NUMBER: No I wasn’t😅😂

ME: Okay, How did you get my number?

UNKNOWN NUMBER: I stole it from him

ME: Wow!

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Don’t take it the wrong way but can we at least get to know each other, if you are not okay with me its okay to block me I understand.😥

ME: No, it’s okay just don’t creep me out please😂

UNKNOWN NUMBER: I’ll try not to😁

ME: Great😂

We continued talking till we both slept off.


I woke up and decided to clean up the house again. I had received groceries and decided to bake when I received a knock.

‘Good morning, Cutie’ he said as he walked in

‘Good morning, what brings you here and why are you active’ I asked as I closed the door.

‘I guess most of my energy wasn’t drained out yesterday so I woke up early and bored today and what are you up to?’ he asked

‘Oh, I’m just making pastries, do you want to help?’

‘Maybe’ he smiled at me


I showed him how to knead the dough as we both laughed at his slips.

‘Why do you like baking so much’ he asked

‘I honestly don’t know, I guess I’m able to think about certain things and convert them to the strength needed to knead the dough’ I answered

‘Wow, you really need to let go of some things and I feel you must be lonely doing this’ he said

‘Well, it does get lonely but I have music so it isn’t that bad’ I said

‘When I was still in secondary school and I decided to bake, whenever my siblings where around we would always end up messing up the kitchen because of our play fights’ I laughed when I remembered such moments


( Listen to Beginning by Joeboy ❤❤❤  as you continue to read the chapter)

I noticed her mood changed a little when she remembered the time she spent with her siblings. It was obvious she missed them as the days went by and I decided to cheer her up by dong the most childish thing I could think of.

‘Be careful with those glass bowls  when keeping them in the-’ she was interrupted when I threw flour at her.

‘Oh no you didn’t’ she laughed as she carried some and threw back at me

We had a flour fight and messed up the kitchen we finished cleaning up.

‘You’re a temptation’ she laughed as we cleaned up the place

‘At least you had fun’ I smiled

‘But you’re all messed up’ she said

‘Don’t worry about me, my house is nearby’ I said

‘No need to go home, there's power and I have a washing machine so I’ll get your clothes cleaned up and dry in less than an hour’ she said

She went to her room and got me a pair of black shorts and a towel.

‘It’s Ayden’s I borrowed it from him a long time ago and he hasn’t asked for it since then so you can manage it’ she said as she handed it over to me.

‘Now go and have a shower’ she said as she went to her room.

Avery’s POV

I had my bath and wore a baggy shirt and a pair of loose shorts as I went to the living room.

I was dumbstruck when I saw him. I had never thought of someone being so attractive without a shirt. He was so muscular and handsome; I would have started drooling if he didn’t snap me back to reality.

‘I’m really attractive aren’t I?’ he asked

‘Stop flattering yourself’ I said as I jumped on the couch and we tuned to Netflix.

‘Let’s go get the snacks’ he suggested

‘Okay’ I said as we both got up to get them.

We had our snacks with Coke and half way through the movie we started discussing.

‘So what have you been up to these few years’ I asked

‘Well, I spent 4 years reading Business Administration, had a whole year of freedom to myself till I got drunk, had a car accident and landed someone at the hospital; he didn’t die he was just unconscious but since my Dad was famous in other to keep the incident in the dark, a lot of money was paid and he didn’t find it funny so I needed to start behaving responsibly because most of my privileges were taken away from me so I needed to work for them. I decided to make use of my degree and started little businesses; I came to Abuja to open an event hall and offer event planning services and I’m profiting a lot from that business plus my Dad gave me one of his companies to take care of, as if I don’t have enough on my hands already’ he said

‘Can I?’I asked

He agreed

I laid my head on his laps.

‘How about you, what were you up to these 7 years’

‘Well, I got admission into University of Panama, once I entered a lot of things about me changed or let’s just say I had a double personality and life’ I said

‘Wow, like?’ he asked as his hands found his way to my hair.

‘Well, during my 2nd year at the university I was persuaded to go for parties and I liked it but I just went there whenever I knew the next day was a free day for me. I suddenly had this strange love for mixing music; not just that, I was hyped to do some hyperactive things and it was fun. Most of these parties were illegal so I always wore contacts instead of my glasses, changed wigs and had a heavy makeover to avoid recognition. It continued that way till I graduated and I’m still in contact with some of my mates’ I said

‘Did you date anyone during that period?’

‘It’s okay if you-’

‘It’s okay, I’ll answer that; Yes I did I know you’re a little surprised but I had my fair share of fun’

‘Did you.... ???’ he asked

‘No I didn’t, that was one of the major factors why most relationships didn’t last; some guys can be messed up at times, so yes I’m still a virgin’ I answered

‘How about you?’ I asked

‘We both know the answer to that’ he said as we laughed a little

‘A lot of time has passed and circumstances and situations changed us both’ I said

‘And we both changed in positive ways’ he said as I stood up, held my bottle of coke as he did same

‘Cheers to that’ he said as we hit our bottles together.

It seems like Avery and I.B are slowly making up for lost times

I guess theres hope for these two young adults; dont you think?

Let's see how things go as season 1 of the story comes to an end

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