How I begun

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'Home sweet home'. I said to myself when I got into my apartment. I was staying in S.A.L.Y Estate in Abuja; a very beautiful and secure place, large but really quiet. It had a recreational area at the middle of the estate where people could hangout, have lunch, swim, have barbecue evenings and picnics; it was really homely.

Getting an apartment in Abuja was very difficult and since I wasn't supported by my parents financially it took a while for me to my find current apartment. I moved here five months ago after I found a very lucrative job.

I came to Abuja a few months after I just turned 22. I stayed with my former secondary school classmate Lola in the apartment her parents gave her for some months. I got a job as a general practitioner in a very old clinic but honestly it was not paying well but I had to make do with it. After a few months of hard work and little payment I got a part time job from a private boarding school and it also did not pay much but I had some time to find another job and get myself an affordable apartment. I wasn't comfortable at Lola's because of the number of guys she brought into her house every week.( I'm not getting into details). After serious research, and months of doing jobs with little pay, a friend called to tell me that the branch of the private hospital she works in, in Lagos has a vacant position for a gynaecologist; the former one resigned and started his own maternity clinic. I was really happy and i got prepared for the interview.

After going through my CV, finding out I graduated in one of the best medical universities in the world and knowing I was the daughter of the famous 'Uduike's', in two weeks time I was given the job. It had a lot of benefits ; it covered my health insurance, my leisure and it also had a very good salary. I was really excited because I was doing what I loved and being appreciated for it. I was a little uneasy because I thought it was my family status that got me this job but the manager assured me it wasn't because other persons from wealthy and famous families applied but I was the one who had a better potential but I was told not to let it get into my head because I had very hard working and competitive colleagues. After  2 months of working at the hospital, I was advised by Mia, the hospital secretary of whom I had formed a bond with, to check out the apartments in S.A.L.Y Estate because the environment was safe, quiet and it had different houses according to what you could afford. I checked it out and I really liked the place. Three weeks later, I moved into the estate and here I am.

I was awoken by my phone's alarm but went back to bed. I was really lucky I was on leave so I had the day to myself till I heard someone knocking on the door. I sluggishly walked to the door to open it; 'what a nice way to start my day' I sighed as I opened the door. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today" chuckled Ziri as he stepped into the house without I saying a word like he always does.

Chideziri 'Ziri' Williams has been my best friend since SS1. We didn't see each other much since graduation till I started working at TIRMA hospital. His younger sister is currently having her internship training there so that was how we saw each other; we saw each other again when he came to pick her up from work. We were shocked to see each other again but very happy he had changed over the years; he became more muscular and manly and he also became more attractive but not to me tho, we saw each other as siblings. He is currently a Lawyer by profession and is working in a private firm so he is enjoying his life as a young independent bachelor. We grew closer and started hanging out more. Oh how much I missed him. I always found it funny when people would think we were dating because he usually drops me off when I'm done with work and his sister is still at the office and also when we go out but I ignore it; I've learnt not to allow other people's opinions bother me. "So what brings you here" I asked while pouring a glass of oramge juice for him. 'Well, since my dear childhood friend of yesterday currently my best friend ever is on a break before going back to work, I figured I could keep her company till 4:00 this evening". He said with a smirk on his face. 'Oh that's so nice of you what do you have in store for today" I asked knowing too well he was just using it as an excuse to come here. He was here for something else; his face turned red and it was kind of cute.

Ziri has always been cute since seconday school except now he's more muscular and manly; how time flies. "Well you know Mia right?", "of course I know Mia. Isn't she one of the few friends I have in that hospital of course I do. Why did you ask"? He blushed and said " Well we've been seeing each other for a while now and I have feelings for her" he said shyly". I hadn't seen that look on his face for a long time. A shocked expression filled my face; I was happy at the same time sad and confused at the fact that Ziri had been seeing Mia and none of them bothered to tell me. "What's wrong with you???" Where the first words that came out of me as I screamed at him and I was given a confused look. I continued 'Why on earth would you be seeing one of my colleagues \friend and not give me at least a hint of it? Why now???' "Avy, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to its just that I didn't know the right time to tell you, I promise to make it up to you" he said, acting so seriously but secretly laughing at my facial expression.

'Okay,you're forgiven; what do you want" I calmly said. "Didn't I say it before, I needed your help with her but you had to forget it with your ranting of two minutes" he said with a stupid look on his face. I threw the nearest pillow I could reach at him making sure it hit his head " Ouch, anger issues" he laughed. "Oh yeah" I grumbled as I went to my room to get my phone I had not yet gone through since yesterday evening. We talked for hours and I had not yet gone through since yesterday evening.

We talked for hours and I was going through my phone till I realised i hadnt had a bath yet talk less of eating and my tummy started making weird noises. "Oh my gosh, Ziri how long have we been talking?' 'Almost four hours I guess' 'Shit it's almost 11 and its now I'm remembering I haven't eaten anything" i laughed to myself. "Why am I not surprised",he said "All you girls are just the same; forgetting food all in the name of *I want to keep fit* nonsense" he said as he was texting on his phone with the the stupid expression on his face. I ignored him and ran to the bathroom to have a bath while Ziri was watching TV.

When I was done I quickly wore a baggy shirt and a pair of shorts and tied my hair up in a bun; I gave Ziri some small chops while I went to prepare Yam and egg sauce for brunch.
While I was in the kitchen preparing our meal, Ziri told me I had a call and I took the phone from his hands and I saw it was an unknown number; I picked up the call and the first words I heard were 'Hello, is this Avery'? That voice was familiar and I knew who it was................

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