The stunt he pulled was a shocker

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Alec's POV

‘Chizzy, what the-’

‘I was really bored okay? Besides you guys were bonding without me’ he defended

‘What did you do?’

‘Nothing serious I just hit up the DJ chick but don’t worry; I used your abbreviations so she won’t know who you are’ he said

‘Really?’ Abbey said as she too was a little shocked at what Chizzy did.

Chizzy was known as an unpredictable person but the stunt he pulled was a shocker.

‘When did you start this?’ Abbey asked

‘And you’ve been chatting with her on low key for two whole days without any of us knowing? Wow’ I said

‘I know right’ she laughed

‘I’ve been insulted’ Chizzy said as we both laughed

‘But why did you do it though?’ I asked

‘You need a little drama for crying out loud, you’re almost 28 and you’re close to having grey hairs’ he said

‘But he has a girlfriend’ Abbey said placing her hand on her face

‘Better for him, you guys wont understand now but later on, you would see the benefits’ he said

‘I believe my work here is done, here’s your phone and don’t think of deleting any chats and your account, she’s really sweet and a little innocent so be careful with her’ he said as he left the room.

‘Remind me why we’re best friends with that guy again?’ Abbey said

‘I ask myself that same question every minute’ I replied

I went through the chats they had together and I smiled because from the way she texted she seemed down to earth and was very easy to relate with.

‘Wow, is she the one that has similar physical features to Miss Avery?’ she asked

‘Yes she is’

‘Well good luck, I can see you are already interested in the chat but keep it low key to avoid unnecessary drama like your best friend is praying for. I’ll be in the living room if you need me’ she said as walked out of the room.

ME: Hello

AIVY: Hi, for a moment I thought you were left me hanging

ME: I didn’t mean to

AIVY: Its alright so how was your day

ME: Very dramatic and yours?

AIVY: It was nice; although I didn’t have any visitors it was all good

ME: Nice to know

We continued chatting and I was grateful for the stupid stunt Chizzy pulled.


I was so interested in the chat I didn’t realize a lot of time had passed and I needed to get ready for my show. I quickly had my bath and packed up my costume, my afro wig and my equipment before leaving the house.

‘Hello’ Idara said as we both embraced

‘How was the event?’ she asked

‘Same as every other boring event I’ve been to’ I replied

‘That’s not what we saw on TV’ Allan said as he walked towards our direction

‘What a nice way to say hi’ I said

‘Forget that we can always do it later’ he said

‘Rude’ Idara said

‘I know right and he expects me to give him the details of the event’ I said

‘I’m sorry okay?’ he pleaded as we both laughed

‘Whatever, now your correction please?’ I said as Idara tried to hold her laughter

‘Do i? I thought we had passed this stage’ he said

‘And when was that?’ I asked

‘Hello Avy’ he said

‘Hi Allan’ I replied

‘Now you guys are on good terms, what happened on Friday and who was that guy you were dancing with?’ Idara asked immediately

‘Was it that Alec-Ambrose guy?’ he asked

‘No!’ I said out loud then hid my face out of embarrassment

‘Problems….’ Allan said as I hit him lightly on his hand

‘He’s my boss for crying out loud’ I defended

‘Doesn’t matter’ he said

‘Whatever, he didn’t even come for the event so it was someone else’ I said

‘It wasn’t Ziri?’ Allan asked

‘Nope, Ziri was sitting on the table probably texting Mia’ Idara said

Did I mention my two close friends from the two sides already knew each other? Well they do and we are like a little family and they are cool with each other

‘So who was it then?’ he asked

‘A guy from my high school’ I said

‘Wow’ they both said in unison

‘What?’ I asked

‘We’re not stupid because you guys looked like you were more than friends’ she said

‘Well we are and we knew each other because we were obviously classmates and he was my high school sweetheart’ I said

Wow, I never thought those words would actually come out from my mouth.

‘Awn, that’s so cute, I’m not surprised if those old feelings rekindle’ she said

‘We’ll never know’ I said

‘She even-’

‘Idara we both have a show to get ready for and Avery has a lot of work to do since she is a woman’ Allan said as he dragged me to the changing room.

‘See you soon, call me!!’ she said as we both went to the changing room.

By 11:00p.m I was back home and extremely tired then I received  texts from my two phones

I opened the first one

KAAL: Nice show 💖
ME: Thank you, it drained me out 😣💖💖
KAAL: On the show, it looked like you drained Rema out and it was hilarious; cant wait to see more of your skills😏

ME: Thanks and stop flirting with me I’m too exhausted to think😂❤
KAAL: Goodnight😂💖

ME: Goodnight💖

I opened the other chat and it was from I.B

I.B: Hello cutie😘

ME: Hey handsome😊

I.B: I’m loving the confidence 😉

ME: Thank you; this is just a part of me😌

I.B: Wow, I would love to see other sides of you😋

ME: Get out, I’m too exhausted to insult you this night😂

I.B: Awn, that means I’m free to tease you all night long😘

ME: Go to bed, we both have work tomorrow  😂❤

I.B: Goodnight  😘

ME: Goodnight❤

I smiled as I dropped my phone and went to bed.

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