Narrow Escape

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6:00a.m and I am woken up by my phone alarm. "Well, Ihedimma,  today is going to be a hectic day and you have to be strong to endure whatever might happen and be calm because your job is at stake; no matter what happens always keep your cool" I said to myself as I got up from my bed and brushed my teeth. Whenever I have a bad feeling about something happening; which isn't good, I always eat to calm myself down and today was no exception so I prepared rice and stew while my water heated up.

When I was done cooking, I had a quick bath, dressed up  ate a little,(I had little appetite) and put on a little makeup (I should at least look moderate even when I'm on the verge of losing my job). I packed up the leftovers and kept them in the refrigerator; I was going to be extremely tired when I got home so I didn't want any form of stress.

By 8:00a.m, I was done with all I needed to do, the UBER came to pick me up and I arrived at work by 8:30. I walked briskly to my office and ignored the stares I was given by my so-called colleagues.

The manager arrived at work by 9:00a.m and that was when the drama started. We didn't have appointments till 10:00a.m so we had an hour to settle the case. Christie, the name of the colleague I stooped so low with, stepped into the manager's office and narrated the whole story to the manager; did I say the whole story? I meant the part that truly implicates me and makes her the victim.
As the typical Nigerian gossip she was, I knew she added pepper and salt to the situation to make the drama more interesting. I was called by Zara to go to the manager's office; her expression told me that it wasn't good at the same time filled with confusion  so I assured her I would explain everything after the case was settled.


I stepped into the manager's office and his facial expression seemed normal which got me confused. "Miss Avery please tell me your side of the story" Christie interrupted "but sir i-" "Enough" he shouted which silenced everyone closeby. "Now, Miss Avery please talk" I told him what truly happened; how I filled her records when she was absent and how I was falsely accused of disorganizing her files.

"Okay. Did you slap her?" he asked.

"Yes sir, I did" I said as I bored my head in shame.

I felt Christie putting up a smirk on her face and imagining how much trouble I had gotten myself into; which made her happy.

The next question he asked was a little shocking but relieving.

"Why dear?" He said in a caring manner.
"She insulted me but I quietly endured all she had to say. I tried my best to explain to her but she didn't want to hear me out; she went as far as questioning my upbringing but I kept quiet. She had crossed limits when she said she blamed the people that conceived me and that was where I lost it sir" I replied.

'What? Christie is that true?' He said in shock .

Her happy expression turned into a face of fear.
"Sir, it is not what you think, its just that I was really angry and I couldn't control myself" she said out of fear.

"Then when you were reporting this case, why did you leave such information out of it". He said with anger in his eyes.

"Sir, I didn't think it was important-"

"You didn't think" he laughed sarcastically.

"So assuming I listened to your side of the story and the versions of your so-called friends, Miss Avery would have lost her job".

Christie stood there speechless.

"The rest of you can leave; I just need Miss Avery and Miss Christie here" everyone left and continued their work.

"Miss Avery didn't scatter your files, I did but it wasn't intentional. I had an important file that was in your custody and I forgot to tell Miss Avery to get it for me. I asked everyone to submit their recent records but you weren't around to submit yours. The Secretary was not around because she had some personal issues to take care of and I was informed before time so I asked someone to help you out. Your colleagues outside this office refused to help you out;  Miss Avery was done with her records so I asked her to finish yours and submit. She complied and nothing was scattered. I forgot to ask Miss Avery to get an important document I sent to you so I went to get it myself and I was in a hurry. I didn't know your sense of arrangement so out of impatience, I left your files in a disorganized manner and left in a hurry.
I tried calling you but you didn't pick up so I decided to wait till today to apologize". He paused then continued

"I didn't know you could stoop so low to this extent. I am honestly not happy with both of your behaviors especially you Miss Christie, you've worked here longer and you knew the behavioral policies so why did you cause a scene and Miss Avery, you knew better than to slap her although I understand what made you do it but you had no right.
Do you know that action could have caused you your job? Both of you are young hardworking women and I do not want such action to repeat itself. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir" we said unison. "You may both leave" he said as we exited his office.

That was a relief. I was really scared of losing this job. Assuming I had actually lost it what would I have done? I wouldn't be able to afford S.A.L.Y Estate anymore. I had a lot of explanation to give Mia and Zara concerning what happened and I also needed to talk to Ziri since the case was already settled.

It was lunch time  and we all had our lunch together so I explained everything.

"Gosh, the day I had to miss work is the day that woman decided to do her worst. She should thank God I wasn't there otherwise she would have heard from me. I wonder what's wrong with some human beings; just because you decide to keep your cool and tolerate them doesn't give them the right to make you feel less of yourself" Mia said with a disgusting look on her face.

"What's her problem with wealthy Nigerian children honestly? Just because she wasn't born into the type of families we find ourselves doesn't give her the right to judge us or draw conclusions. How dare she open her mouth to talk to you like that? Honestly, the slap you gave her isn't even close to all she said to you. She deserves more than a beating; she's very lucky we are not in the same age group otherwise she would have to deal with me or  my name isn't Chizaram Elena Williams. Nonsense!!!" Zara said with a funny look on her face.

I knew what they were saying was actually serious but I couldn't help myself but laugh because I was happy I had friends like them although we had one thing in common apart from our place of work and it was our relationship  with Ziri.

"Oh my gosh, what's wrong with me? I haven't told Ziri about this incident. Can you guys plesse keep this away from him? I want to let him know personally. Please???" I pleaded

"Okay" they both agreed.

We had our lunch and had a little discussion before we went back to work. Time flew quickly and I was off to my second goal of the day.
Pick up an outfit
I went to Grand Towers Abuja Shopping mall and bought some clothes.
The dress code was Black and Red and it was mandatory to wear heels for females. Luckily, those were my favorite colours but my problem was the type of clothes to get. I got a pair of black jeggings, and a black camisole. I already had a red Jacket and a pair of red velvet ankle heel boots I ordered a few weeks ago.

Lastly, I bought myself a pair of black wireless  headphones and a DJ music software in case of anything and also to practice during my leisure time. I received an alert from the organizers and I was asked to go to Hilton view Hotel for my auditions on Friday by 6:00p.m.

This was going to be the beginning of my secret popular life.................

Thank you guys so much for reading and sharing my story 💝💝
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Although its small but I'm making progress ❤❤❤❤❤

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