New personality

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My heart was beating faster and I was becoming more anxious than I ever was; honestly, I really wanted the job; not to make money but to distract myself from so many things like my colleagues and I.B. I was so tensed up I felt I was having a fever. "We didn't just pick these six persons because they were better rather we picked them because they were better for this job. We vhecked your attitude, dress code and creativity and we have come to a conclusion. The following persons should step forward once their names are mentioned". He said

"Mr Akunna Akinro"

"Miss Idara Austin"

"Miss Fara Haruna"

"Mr Allan Chukwuma and lastly

Mr Kwento Egbo"

"Thank you so much for your time I hope......" I couldn't listen to it as I felt tears running down my cheeks. I really wanted to bw part of the crew but I guess I wasn't I quietly dabbed my tears to avoid getting my makeup messed up. I was about stepping out till I heard him say "Oh wait; there is someone here I forgot to mention. Miss Ihedimma Uduike can you please step forward"
I was filled with shock amd excitement and quickly dabbed my tears as I went forward. I'm heard  some person's rumbling out of jealousy and envy but I ignored it.

"These six persons are in charge of the programmes and events that we would be taking care of.Thank you all once again for you time and effort and take care. As for our musical team I want you all to put in your best and cooperate. Disc jockeying won't be the only thing you would have to do and there are other responsibilities for you guys. The rest of the rules are in your contracts. The rest of your may take your leave. Thank you so much for your time and efforts; God bless you"

As others exited the hall,  six of us were gathered in the sound engineering room.

"Congratulations you all; I hope you know this is strictly business but I would want you guys to have a little fun while doing your job; that doesn't permit you to cross the line. I hope you all know your limits but do not forget to show your audience your creativity and taste for music. I trust you all and I hope you all cooperate.
You all would be taking turns and you all have been paired

Akunna Akinro and Idara Austin

Allan Chukwuma and Ihedimma Uduike

Kwento Egbo amd Fara Haruna

     We are leaving Mr Allan and Miss Ihedimma in charge of today's event".

I was caught off guard then continued listening to what he was saying

"You two are going to entertain our guests this evening. There's a welcome party taking place and this would be your first time so good luck.

As the sound engineer took the other groups to show them what to do, I was left with Allan.

He started the conversation



"So, congrats on getting this job. Are you working part time or full time?" He asked

"Thank you so much and I'm working part time how about you" I asked


"That's nice"

I also came with a friend of mine and she is also working part time. She's Idara.

"That's nice. I have a feeling he hired six of us because we were having part time jobs and maybe different schedules.

"Yeah, its business after all" he chuckled.

Allan was really cute and I was happy we were hitting it off.

"Can we exchange numbers?" He asked

"Yeah sure"

I gave him the number on my new phone and saved his number there.

"So Ihedimma, what's your stage name?" He asked

"DJ AIVY but its pronounced IVY for some reasons" I said

"Mad oh" he laughed

"What's yours" I asked


"That's nice"

DJ A^2 I said in a loud tune the covered my mouth immediately.

"I like it. Its dope" he smirked

"Why are your eyes light blue that's odd" he said

"Yeah I know they're contacts" I answered

"I wear them because I don't want a familiar face to recognize me and I'm short sighted" I continued

"Oh okay you still look cute by the way"

"Thank you" I smiled

"Let's get ourselves ready!!" I said in excitement

The event was supposed to start by 7 and it was 6:45p.m when we got our things ready.

By 6:55p.m we started playing slow songs then we introduced ourselves to the party when it was becoming rowdy.

We were really having fun till I saw them cheering someone who looked so familiar but I was unable to see because of the crowd..................................

Alec's POV

I can't wait to leave here. All the memories are weighing me down and I need to move on and in order to do that I need to move out of here and start a new life but my family wants me to start fresh in my own country. I was really ashamed of what I did and I deserved to suffer severely but my parents persuaded me to start all over because i was being too hard on myself but in a different environment.

My family and I moved to California, U.S.A when I was 16 and we have resided here for over 10 years. My parents never changed their way of disciplining us knowing the rules of the country and we children knew better than to report them. We have always kept our african culture alive in our home. I never thought of leaving California till tragedy struck and I was badly involved and  affected so staying there would just bring back old memories.

My name is Kelenna Alec-Ambrose Levon. I am currently 26 years old. I am a successful manager in one of the most successful African hospitals in California and I am still a bachelor. I am proud of my Nigerian heritage but I hate the manner in which my name is pronounced and no matter how much I try to correct it the situation becomes worse so I am called Alec-Ambrose but Kelenna is my official name; the origin to Alec Ambrose  is really weird.

When I was born, my parents argued on the name I would bear. They wanted me to have a similar name to my older siblings; Alexander 'Alex' and Alexandria 'Alexa' as they were both called Because they were twins. They both loved the name Alec but they felt it was too short. They both had Ambrose and Aiden in mind but went for Ambrose meaning 'immortal' so my name literally means immortal defender and protector of mankind. My mum said my name was really special and unique but I didn't really take it seriously because I felt that was what all mothers said to their children so I never really thought about it and right now I wish I didn't answer that because I didn't deserve it.......................

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