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I woke up to the sight of Lottie's face close to mine. I jumped back and she laughed. "That was so worth it!" She exclaimed as she was laughing. "No it was not! You scared the living daylights out of me," I said as I was holding my chest. She laughed a bit more before she calmed down. "Look. We need to talk about what you said to father the other day," she said and walked closer to me. I sighed and stood up. "No we don't. There is nothing to discuss."

"Louis. You need to have an omega soon. If you don't, then how are we-" "I'm not moving on Lottie, and I best advise you to leave it at that," I warned her and with her being an omega, she followed my order and just sighed. "You are throwing your love life away fro two humans. Don't you remember what humans did to our family? Specifically ours?" "They aren't like that Lottie. You met them. They are all smiles and positivity. They'd rather die than hurt one of us."

"Alright. I'll leave you falling for them. Just...don't shut others out. Okay? Doris and Earnest are missing play time with their big brother already," she says and I smiled. "Tell them that I'll be out soon. I just need to get my clothes on," I tell her she she nods.

She walked out of the room and I looked around myself to see Liam and Zayn still sleeping. I walked over to Liam first and I shook him. "Ugh...leave me alone for 5 more minutes Harry..." I smiled sadly at my mate before I shook him again. This time he opened his eyes. "...sorry.' "No worries, I would've said the same thing if you woke me up..." I said and he nodded slowly. I walked over to Zayn next and it wasn't hard for him to get up. He woke up after the first shake that I gave him.

"I really don't feel like doing anything today," he says and I really couldn't blame him. I really didn't feel like doing anything today either. Lottie is the only reason as to why I'm up right now. That and the twins. "I know Z, but we need to get up. My siblings are missing their big brother," I said and he got that. We stood up slowly and walked out of our room. I looked down the hall and saw the dimly lit kitchen and I started to walk towards mentioned room.

We saw father sitting at the head of the table and he looked to see us standing there. He stared at us for a bit before looking at the paper again. "Your omegas are in here, you know?" "Would assume so. There are missing papers of people who have been missing for a certain amount of time. They taught us that."

"You do realize what this means? If anyone finds those two anywhere near us, then we are doomed. We will perish or be forced to leave our home again! You must tell those two to stop trying to look for you three." "Why don't you do it yourself? Those two won't listen to us. They are still humans," Zayn spoke with attitude.

"What the hell got into the three of you, huh?!" "Don't you know that I am your head alpha?" "Yeah, but we aren't your little bitches. You can tell us when something absolutely needs to be done, but when we know that something isn't right, then we will have to reject your orders," Liam said. "Now if those boys get found, we will protect them. No matter how much it takes."

He glared at us, but we didn't care. We just claimed our seats at the table and waited for our meals to be served to us. In the waiting time, Doris and Earnest walked in and I saw them brighten up once they saw me. "Brother Lou!" Doris cheered and ran up to me.

"Hey guys, how are my little ones doing?" I asked and picked the twins up and placed them in my lap. "We have been missing you big brother," Earnest tells me and I smile at her softly. "Well there's no need to miss me because I'm right here," I said and kisses the two of them on their foreheads.

They both giggled before they moved off from my lap. "Can we play hide and seek with the other cubs?" "Sure you can. Just be careful, alright?" "We will big brother," they both said together before running out of the room. "They are such cute little cubs," Liam said and I nodded my head. "Well they are related to me....so..." I teased and my lovers just rolled their eyes and smiled at my little joke.

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