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"See you after school father," Liam said as we were in front of the school. "See you then my boys," our head alpha said as we got out of the car and we walked to the school door. "Are you guys ready for another day at this place?" I asked Louis and Liam. They both nodded with a smile. I looked at the front doors and took it by the handles before swinging them opened. We stepped into the school and there was a big circle around us. Harry and Niall were in the center, looking down.

"Um...hello?" "What's going on? Is there someone famous visiting or something?" "Wh-" "Is it true?" Niall asked, cutting me off. "Is what true?" "That you..." "That we are what Harry?" "That you guys arent human?" The two looked up at us and we just froze in place. Alphas can never lie to their rightful omega. Sure we can keep secrets, but when they ask us about it, then it's hard to lie about it.

"Please be honest with us. I promise that we won't be mad...I swear that on my life," Niall said and we tilted our heads. "Wait...what? They aren't human!" Damien shouted. "Yeah, but shit! If God is fucking telling me that some vampires or some shit knows how to treat us right, then fucking so be it," Harry cursed, defending us.

"So are you guys not human?" "We...um...can't say that...here," Liam stated and the two nodded. Harry walked up to me and grabbed my hand. Niall grabbed Liam's, and the two grabbed Louis's hand. The two omegas dragged us to the courtyard by the cafeteria. They brought us to a table and we sat down together. "Now can you tell us?" Harry asked. We looked at one another before we sighed. "Werewolves. We are werewolves," Louis said and Niall and Harry just sat there for a moment.

"We are so sorry for not telling you that, but it was for the best we pr-" "Do you hunt humans?" Niall asked and our eyes widened. "No no no no. We are the type to hunt animals. We never kill humans." "Are there werewolves that do?" "Yes and we are in charge of taking care of them." "Which means?" "Killing them." "Oh...mind telling us another thing?" "What is it?"

"Why are you actually here?" Harrybasked and we knew that it was coming, so we just told them everything. Which I mean EVERYTHING. To what it means to be a werewolf, how old we actually are, why we came here and pretended to be students, and why we were attached to them. We also discussed what role they both play in all of this and what is supposed to happen when they turned 18.

I think when we told them that we have to turn them in order for them to become our official omegas, they were shocked. We also explained what an omega was and what their jobs were as an omega. What kind of relationship an alpha and omega share. We also told them that the whole "putting their exes through a table" wasn't because of self-defense. It was just because if us not liking them. I don't think that they cared about that though.

When we were finished, they sat there for a bit of time before Harry let out a breath and Niall slowly nodded his head. "Okay..." Niall said. "That is definitely...something," Harry then said and we sighed. "We weren't going to tell you two so soon. We wanted to gain your trust first." "You boys always had it. We weren't going to be mad at you since you really did nothing wrong at the end of the day."

"Again, if God is telling us that some vampires or werewolves are the only ones that will treat us right, then that is just how it will be." "Besides, Harry still has feelings for you, so I can't really stay mad at you." "Oh fuck you Ni! You have feelings for them too!" Harry defended with a pout.

I smiled st their little fit and Louis chuckled a little. "So you two are okay with all of this?" Liam asked. "Does this mean that we are going to be a bit more involved with your lives?" Niall asked. "I guess that you can, but you have to tell us whenever you want to do things like go to where our pack is and-" "Can we dog call you?" Harry asked and I looked st him with a raised eyebrow. His face dropped, "Sorry...didn't mean to sound rude or offensive."

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