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"Harry and Niall everyone!" The choir teacher called right when I got mic ready. Harry looked at me and I looked right back at him and we nodded with a smile on our faces. We looked back at the class, but we looked at 2 boys in particular. Yeah, this song was to Damien and Owen, but it's not the song that you are thinking about.

We sang our hearts out together as we made eye contact to the two boys that hurt us physically, emotionally, and mentally. They were trying to avoid our eye contact, but they knew what we were doing. They knew that the song was being sung to them and I was kind of happy to see their sad faces.

When we were done, everyone was standing, clapping for us. We looked at our boyfriends and they were smiling and clapping. I looked at Harryband we both giggled before bowing as our way of saying thank you. I walked off of the stage and walked to the werewolves in the back and Zayn was the first to pull me into his arms. Louis pulled Harry in and when I felt Liam's lips on my head, I smiled softly. "You both did an amazing job up there," Louis said in adoration.

"Yeah well we wanted to get our point across some how that we are officially done with them. If we were to sing a song to you guys, then the boys would still try to compete and I really don't want to deal with them anymore, so next time, we will dedicate a song to the three of you," I told them and the three smiled. "Oh and um...i talked with my family about this."

That made the three stop and look right at Harry. "Harry...you two are the only ones who are supposed to know about us. Our identities are to be ke-" "Chill out Louis. I did the same with my family. We need to tell them about this." "No you d-" "We aren't werewolves guys! Just in case you've forgotten the obvious! You guys don't know wh as t kind of situation that you are putting us through," Harry harshly whispered.

Zayn began to release me from his hold and I looked at him. "You guys don't get it. There won't be a situation where you can see how we feel or how our loved ones feel." "Harry, we under-" "No you don't. Imagine if you are my mother Liam. Imagine yourself being human and you have a kid. Imagine you hearing them say that they are supposed to be turned once their years in high school is over and they are to be with 3 werewolves for the rest of their lives and they won't see you ever again."

"They needed to know guys. We aren't going to up and leave them without telling them where we are and what happened to us. We needed to talk to them. If we don't, then it's going to effect our relationships with our families. We get that your identities needed to be kept secret, but we needed to tell our families. It is much better to do it right now rather than later."

"We had to tell them. It's just the right thing to do in this kind of situation. I'm not going to leave my mum and sister and not give them the information that they will need in order to know what is going to happen to me." When the school bell rang, I picked up mine and Harry's bags. "We will see you guys later. For now, we need to let this settle for a while and let all of the tension leave our system," I said and handed Harry his bag.

The two of us held hands and walked out of the room. I walked Harry to his class before I walked to mine. I did catch a glimpse of the boys in the hallways, but I didn't bother to see what they were doing just standing there. I just continued with my walk to my class.

I walked through the classroom doors and sat at my assigned seat. I looked around the room and saw that the lights were a bit dimmed, so we were going to be watching a movie today. That's always the hint that our teacher would give us. He also believes that Fridays should be fun days, and that's why we never have tests on Friday. He finds it rather rude for us to have that. Which is why he is my most favorite teacher to have.

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