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Tomorrow's the day. The day where I move on from being the boyfriends of Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. The day where I become the husband of Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. We are all pretty excited for this. The alphas were always seen with a smile as each day goes by. Harry and I would always be heard either cheering or squealing. "Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow!" Harry chanted with Louis as they were running around. Well, Louis was doing the running. Harry was just on his back, laughing and cheering.

I smiled at the two and pulled out my phone. I recorded the entire thing in my phone before I posted it on my Twitter with the tweet reading: Tomorrow is a bug day for us 5❤️! I posted it and I put my phone up right when my body was being lifted from the ground from out of nowhere.

I squealed and nearly thrashed, but since I can use my common sense pretty quickly, I knew that it was either Zayn or Liam, so I instantly relaxed. "You ready for tomorrow babe?" Zayn asked and I smiled lovingly before he placed me on the ground.

I turned and hopped dup, making him catch me by my thighs. "As ready as I'll ever be. This is going to be new of course. Because I really never thought of getting married at such a young age or so early in the relationship. I know that is sounds silly, but that's how I'm always like. Harry and myself. We never thought that something like this would've happened. Like if you told me 2 or 3 years ago that it was going to happen, then I would've called you crazy." "Well I'm definitely crazy. Crazy for you." That was so corny and cute at the same time. How do you do that?" I asked and he laughed a little.

"I don't think that it's hard to make things all corny and sweet babe. Like you can say that My eyes are like a milk chocolate that is just craving my attention, and I would find that hot and a bit corny." I looked at him oddly. "I don't know about hot. Because if I heard someone say that to me, then I thought that they were some kind of stalker of some sort." "Yeah, but we are getting married tomorrow, so I get to say that." "Well if that's the case, then so do I!"

I so can't wait to marry these guys. Like Harry has been my lover for like 4 years now, and they have been the most magical years of my life. I can still remember the day when we first met. It was like as if we were set up to meet each other, but that was if course not it. It was just the mere fact that I was moving into the neighborhood.

"Honey, remember what we are doing today!" My mother called from downstairs as I was getting ready. "Of course mom! Meeting our neighbors today!" "That's right, and I have a batch of cookies on the island if you want to take them on the route that your going!" "I will! Thanks mom!" "No problem baby." I hummed happily as I was trying on my shoes. I love the thought and the idea of meeting new people. That is just the side of me that is so enthusiastic and friendly.

I hopped up and walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs and walked to the kitchen to see the plate of cookies that my mum left for me.

I walked to my door and used one hand to open it. I said goodbye to my dog, brother, and mum before I stepped out. I was going to the street In front of us and work my way back since that street us the first one in the neighborhood. I walked a long while and for the most part, I have met some really nice people. However, there were a few people who had a sign that read 'No solicitation' and even though I was not going to sell anything, I was still scared, so I didn't even bother to approach the door.

Then...there were a handful of people who just shouted the f word in my face and slammed the door in my face. Which hurt like an ass. Because I am a part of the LGBTQ+ Community, and all together, that word is very offensive. I was close to crying and I was still with a plate full of cookies. I'm just on the verge of running back to my mother, telling her that I want to move. I was so scared to walk up to the last house in this house. Because this house could make or break me. I am not that much of a risk taker, so I stood there for like 5 minutes before I rushed to the door and knocked on it.

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