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"Alright boys, this it. This is the school that you are going to be attending to find your omegas. Be good and don't reveal yourselves." "Father, do you really think that this is the way how we are going to find them? I mean with the history that we had with humans. This is a big risk for us to take?" Louis asked. "Are you questioning my knowledge, my son?" He akse dand I looked at Louis. "No. Of course not father. I'm sorry father," he replied to the head alpha. "Very well. Do well and your omegas shall be found soon," he told us and we got out of the SUV.

"This is what we are going to have to deal with until we find our mates?" Liam asked as we saw the humans standing outside of the school, talking to one another. "Well at least we know that when we find those two, we will be able to hang around them," I said and Liam sighed. "What exactly are we waiting on? We need to get to first class before these humans start to flood those halls," Louis suggested and we started to walk. There were glances made towards, but we selectively decided to ignore them. Liam had our schedule, so he was leading the way.

"Alright, this place seems about right," Liam said and we reached a classroom. I went to grab the doorknob, but Louis stopped me. "It's silver love. We need to put our gloves on," he told me and I looked at the knob to see that he was right. I always ignore the big things that can easily get me hurt or injured. A benefit if having lovers that are one of my kind.

We put our bags on the ground and opened them up. We then scavenged through it and found our black leather gloves. I slipped mine on before I reached for the knob. "Hey," a voice and I rolled my eyes. Why can't I just go inside. I turned to see some guy in front of us with a grin on his face.

Not one of our omega's.

"Yes?" "Oh nothing. Just wanted to set a couple of ground rules since the three of you look new," He said. I looked at my mates and we rose an eyebrow as we looked at him. "If you see boys named Harry Styles and Niall Horan, then stay away from them." "Oh yeah? Why's that?" "Because they are in a 4 way relationship and their boyfriends, Owen Johnson, and Damien Howard will obliterate anyone who tries to get close to them," he then told us.

"And why should we care about that?" Liam asked and the guy sighed. "Beats me. I was just trying to warn you," he said and raised his hands in surrender, turned on his heel, and walked away. "Why do humans have to be so stupid and annoying?"

"You do realize that our mates are one of those humans, right?" I reminded Louis. "I meant besides them," he corrected. I laughed before grabbing the door knob and turned it. I opened the door and Liam held it open for us and we entered the class.

Everyone in the room looked at us and I looked at the students before looking at the teacher. "Um...we are new here and it read on our paper that we have you first class?" I aksed and she opened her hand to me. I have her my paper and she opened it up and she checked over ot before she looked at the three of us again. "Alright well, don't be late again. Malik, you will be sitting right next to Josh. Hold your hand up Josh?" I looked at the crowd of students sitting and looking at us.

I saw a hand raise and I saw a jock with his relax fit jacket and I groaned. If you hear a third, then you will know that I can't take the torture anymore," I whispered to Liam before I walked to my seat and sat next to the Josh kid. "New here?" He aksed and I rolled my eyes. "I literally said that like a minute ago." "Who-" "Do I think I'm talking to? I'm pretty sure that I'm speaking to a very egotistical man who put on way to much cologne. That's who I'm talking to," I said and rolled my eyes again before facing the front.

I looked at Louis and I saw that he was being tortured very slowly. He was sitting next to a girl that was all over him. I glanced to Liam and he was pretty happy since he was sitting next to the quiet one of the class. Lucky...

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