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My phone suddenly buzzed, and Aaron pulled it from my back pocket, answering it, "Roxanna's phone. Aaron speaking."

"Lover Boy, tell our lead singer to bring her sweet ass back to M-G pronto." Hayden's voice came through the phone.

I leaned my head up so it was near the receiver and said, "My sweet ass is going to stay right where it is. And his name is Aaron."

"I will hunt you down and carry you back here!"

"I'm literally across the street, Hay. You could probably see Aaron and I from the sidewalk." I fought the urge to grin.

"Oh," He sounded shocked. "Well, there's a girl that was looking for you. Tall, dirty blonde hair, French accent, kinda hot, has a ridiculous resemblance to you and Meredith. She said she'd be waiting for you at the bar."

"Got it!" I said, then hung up. I rose from the booth, coffee in one hand and Aaron's in the other, and made my way to the bar within MG. I immediately recognized my cousin Violetta sitting at the bar, sipping on a martini, chatting up the bartender who'd obviously given the underage girl her drink. I climbed up onto the barstool directly beside hers and asked with a smirk, "Not causing too much trouble, are you, Vi?"

She turned to me, a smile spreading across her face. "Not nearly as much as you, darling."

I grinned smally, and reached out to her as she leaned to hug me. When released, she asked me, "So, how much trouble has my fraternal twin been causing you?"

"Slightly more than usual. But really, Meredith is a terror naturally."

"Oh please, that's the nice way of saying she's a whorish bitch."

I grinned lightly at the truth. "I thought you hated that kind of language!"

"Well, darling, people change." Violetta said with a mischievous grin.

"That they do."

"Would you like a drink? I'm sure I could talk Rick here into getting you something."

"Ah Vi, you know I don't drink!" I nearly laughed. "Even if I did, I doubt they'd have a nice chardonnay here!"

"True, true," Vi peeked around my shoulder at Aaron. "And who is this?"

"Oh!" I said, turning to Aaron and grabbing his hand. "This is Aaron."

She gasped. "The Aaron?!"

"Uh, I guess so." I replied nervously.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you sweetheart." She reached out a hand for him to shake. He took it, giving a firm one.

"The pleasure is all mine." He grinned.

"Damn, he could certainly charm the pants off me," Vi remarked in French. I laughed as I saw Aaron's face go slightly red. She saw his expression and exclaimed, in English, "Shit! You understood that, didn't you?"

Grinning, Aaron nodded. Vi put her head in her hands, her face now tinted a light shade of pink. I fought an amused grin, hiding behind a sip of my coffee, finding that the cup was nearly empty.

I raised the thing, shaking it lightly. "I'm gonna go grab some more."

I hopped down from the bar stool, refused when Aaron tried to give me money for another cup of coffee, and headed back across the street to the café. I strolled in, walked up to the counter and politely ordered my drink from the girl there. She retrieved it quickly, and I paid for it, pulling an Aaron and not getting my change back. I sat my drink on an empty table, asking the cashier to watch it for me while I went to the bathroom. With her confirmation, I went down a hall and into the bathroom. Once done, I washed my hands and left the room, only to crash into the chest of a guy.

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