A Painful Discovery

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Your hands laid tightly clasped in your lap as you looked out the ship's window, into a world of seemingly endless stars. The sound of your foot tapping against the metal floor echoed through the otherwise silent ship. Your wide eyes stared at the book that sat in a nearby seat. It looked unassuming, as if someone dropped it there without a second thought, but truth be told it was the most honored and feared passenger aboard the ship.

Your mind wandered back through time. To ignorantly picking up that book a lifetime ago, finding yourself in a strange space place, learning, growing, falling in love. Realizing that there was a possibility of going home again and knowing, deep in your heart that you had to figure it out what happened.

Behind you, you heard the heavy footsteps of Obi Wan retreating from the cockpit.

"Hi." You said quietly, eyes still focused on the blue glow of the window.

"How are you feeling?" You bit your lip as you contemplated your answer.

"Scared." You decided finally. "I know that's not very...Jedi of me."

His warm reassuring hand found its place on your shoulder. "There is no shame in 'scared,' darling."

You looked up at him with grateful eyes. He moved to sit next to you, letting his hand come to rest protectively on your thigh. "We, um, we haven't talked about some stuff yet." A thick tension crawled between the two of you. It had a name, but you could place it at the moment.

"I know." The two of you both had been regretting this conversation. You took a deep breath, before diving headfirst into the difficult.

"If I figure out how I got here, figure out... how I can get home. What do we do?" You stared up at him, tearful, "I love you Obi Wan, but I also have a home. I...I know I can't have both. If I leave, I don't think I'll ever be able to find my way back. I can feel that this is my only chance."

"Do you truly want my advice?" You nodded. "When the time comes, let go. Feel the force run through you, be one with it. You'll know what the right choice is."

Without a word you wrapped your arms around Obi's neck and pulled him in a tight embrace, letting your tears dampen the shoulder of his robes. He cradled the back of your head, praying to whatever was out there that he would get to hold you like this a thousand times more. A lifetime more. But he wasn't going to hold you back if it was what you desired.

"I am very concerned for your safety, you know. The book's warnings seem...quite dire." In unison, your eyes fell on the ever ominous book.

"I have to try." You said, your voice barely above a whisper. A silence once again filled the ship. "Whatever happens, I am so fucking glad I met you." Obi Wan smiles before placing a gentle kiss on your head.

"I love you too."

The fear of saying goodbye. That was the name.


Your limbs felt heavy as you walked off of the ship onto the planet, the book dragging you down as you cradled it in your arms. The planet was lush and green with mountains, fields, and a never ending downpour of rain assaulting from above. Obi walked down the ramp to meet you, carefully placing his cloak upon your shoulders.

"Thank you." He nodded solemnly.

"I'm hoping that you have read about what we are to do?"

"Yes, you see that hill." You pointed towards a small hill a mile or so off. Even from where you stood you could see that it was surrounded by mammoth trees in a perfect circle. "We go there."

Forever//Obi Wan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now