Fast Friends

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You laid on the soft sheets, eyes still closed. You could feel the early morning light shining through the window and warming your skin.

You kept replaying the events of yesterday in your mind, still unable to believe them. I'm not really on another planet. You thought. When I open my eyes I'll be in my room at home. You took a deep breath and opened your eyes. You were still in the strange blue bedroom.

You groaned and rolled over, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. This is fucking insane. There was a quick knock on the door. Hugging your pillow tighter, you wondered if you should just pretend that you're asleep so you wouldn't have to deal with crazy space stuff.

It's probably Obi Wan you thought. you got to your feet and shuffled over to the door. When You opened you immediately jumped back in shock at the creature that stood before you. "Jesus Christ!" You shouted.

"Please do not be alarmed." The robotic creature said in a monotone voice. "I am medical droid 2-1B, I have come to complete your medical examination." You calmed down slightly when you remembered that the Window guy had mentioned a medical droid.

You nodded and moved out of the doorway for the droid to come through. "Um, yeah come on in."


Obi wan watched the city grow smaller through the glass elevator doors as he rode up to the apartment. Early that morning, when he had deemed it safe to leave you, he had left to go consult the only person he felt like he could about this matter. Anakin.

"This is quite an unusual situation master but I doubt it's anything that you and the other Jedi masters can't handle." Anakin said.

"Yes, I agree yet..." he paused and stroked his beard, as if in deep thought. "There is something very different about y/n."

He recalled locking eyes with you last night. The sense of calm and connection that had washed over him was like nothing he had ever experienced.

The elevator reached its destination and Obi Wan walked briskly to the apartment doors. he knocked but there was no answer. He tried again. Nothing.

His thoughts immediately turned to danger. He had only left the apartment briefly and had been checking surveillance very diligently. Obi Wan was aware that Windu had sent a medical droid for the examination but besides that, The chances that someone had gotten in the apartment without his knowledge were very slim. His shoulders tense, He unsheathed his lightsaber and slowly opened the door so as to not be heard.

When he entered the grand blue living area of the apartment. He could hear the faint sound of your voice coming from the bedroom along with the soft strumming of an instrument.

Hearing no panic in your voice or any sound of violence, he put away his lightsaber and walked towards the bedroom. When he reached the doorway, He stood there in utter confusion at the sight before him.

You sat on the bed next to the medical droid who was holding your ukulele while you directed it. You looked up when you heard Obi Wan's footsteps and grinned at him. "Hi!"

Obi Wan leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms in front of him. "Di- did you try to teach a droid to play an instrument?"

You sat up proudly. "I didn't try to teach a droid ukulele, I did." You turned your attention to the droid. "Show him what I taught ya."both you and Obi Wan watched as the droid strummed a few chords. You took the ukulele back from the droid. "Not bad for a robot with three fingers and a siringe."

Forever//Obi Wan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now