Rescue Mission

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"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" You whispered hurriedly under your breath as you made your way through the dark, ominous jungle. Clutching your blaster tightly, you stepped over vines and branches, your ears and eyes straining for any sign of movement.

Your heart was beating rapidly but you did your best to suppress your nerves and focus on the task at hand. You were unable to shake the foreboding feeling of being watched by something waiting in the looming darkness.

'I am literally the least qualified person in existence to be doing this!' You thought to yourself. The immense metaphorical weight of this situation felt heavy on your shoulders.

Your feet ached like you had been walking for an eternity and you could feel your shirt sticking to your sweaty back, but you didn't let your guard down for even a second to adjust it.

'What's gonna happen if I don't find them?' You thought. 'Or worse, don't find them?' Shaking those thoughts from your head, you pushed onward. 'Keep a clear head, like Obi Wan trained you to do.'

Finally, your ears were met with the sound of movement off in the distance and you swore you could make out a faint light off in that direction. Pausing, you held your breath, straining your ears so that you could listen to the sound of robotic footsteps and metallic voices filling the eerily quiet jungle.

Despite the immense heat, you felt a shiver of fear run down your spine. A sense of panic that began to course through your veins but you did your best to push aside your emotions.

'What do I do, oh fuck, what do I do?'

You stopped and took a deep breath, absorbing the warm jungle air.

'What would Obi Wan do?'

You did your best to recall everything that Obi Wan had ever told you about his missions. How he handled hostage situations and tight spots.

Finally, you decided that the best scenario was to locate the two Jedi and get them out as quickly and quietly as possible, not in the process alerting anyone.

'Besides, I kind of dout that there really is a senator, probably just a trap to get to Ani and Obi.' You slowly moved towards the sounds of the enemy. Once you got closer, It was very apparent that you were immensely outnumbered. Hundreds of battle droids marched about in a bright, makeshift camp.

You crouched down behind the thick jungle brush and strategically scouted out where the Jedi were most likely to be, making mental note of where the enemy were most clustered together.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted what looked like the only other living thing there. A tall, wrinkled, green man in a headdress who was conversing with a battle droid.

In the hopes of overhearing the location of Obi Wan and Anakin, you moved closer to the two.

"The Jedi are on the other side of the clearing Viceroy Gunray." The droid said in a high pitched, metallic voice.

"Excellent, our trap worked perfectly! Soon we will be rid of two of the most troublesome Jedi in the order!"

In the bushes, you placed your hand over your mouth, not wanting to take the risk of them hearing your heavy breathing.

"Tell the droids to be ready to exterminate in thirty minutes." The man (If you could even really call him that) continued.

"Roger roger!" The droid said before walking away.

'Next step,' You thought. 'Spring the trap.'


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