Phone Troubles

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Rap music blasted through the Jedi temple. Inside the training room, You dodged Obi Wan's fist and dove under his arm. You paused briefly while his back was to you to try to decide what to do next. That was a mistake. Obi Wan turned swiftly and kicked your feet out from under you, knocking you on your butt.

"You'll have to do better than that young one." Obi Wan said smugly.

You groaned and got to your feet, ready to take him on again. He blocked everyone of your attacks, but you kept your defenses up. He dodged your kick and once again, swept your feet out from under you.

"Ow!" You said disgruntled. Obi Wan chuckled at you and offered you his hand.

"Must your music be so loud?" He motioned to where your phone lay in the corner of the room. "I believe all of Coruscant can hear it."

Bracing your hands on your knees you said in between breaths,"The deal was you get to kick my ass for two hours a day and I get to choose the work out music. And I choose Megan Thee stallion.

"While I may have kicked your ass, I can see improvement in you, and your skill with the blaster is quite amazing." Obi Wan paused, watching you catch your breath."You seem rather off today."

You whipped the sweat from your brow. "I haven't been sleeping well, bad dreams."

"What of?" He said, trying to sound nonchalant.

You bit your lip and looked down at your feet. "I don't know, some island. It's raining and there is a sense of dread." You sighed. "But I wake up before anything else happens."

He hummed and stroked his beard. "I'm sorry to hear that." He turned and went to grab the water bottles at the other end of the room. He wished he knew how to comfort you.

While he was busy, you studied yourself in one of the many mirrors that lined the training room. It had taken a week before you had the courage to change out of the clothes that you'd showed up in. 'Incredible how something so small can be so emotional.' You thought to yourself as you stared at the strange work out clothes you wore.

As Obi Wan took a swig of his drink he noticed something was off. The music had stopped.

"No,no,no,no!" He heard you scream. He whipped around in time to see you rush over to your phone.

He quickly walked over to where you sat on the floor. "What's the matter?"

"My phone is dead!" You cried as you rummaged through your backpack and pulled out a charger. "Outlets?" You asked frantically searching the walls.


"Outlets? That I can plug my charger into?"

Obi Wan shook his head. "I'm afraid we don't have those."

You sat defeated on the floor, your phone in your hands. "This is all I have left of my home. I-I know that I can't contact anyone with it but..."
You felt tears prick up in the corner of your eyes but you did your best to push them back. 'Don't let them see you cry' you thought to yourself.

Obi Wan placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "All hope might not be lost, Anakin is quite skilled with electronics, let's let him have a look at it."

You nodded and stood up. "Ok. I've been dying to meet Anakin anyways."

"And him you."


You'd sat waiting on the hood of the speeder, the evening Coruscant sun shining over you. Obi Wan had left you, although hesitantly, to retrieve Anakin from the temple. Finally, you watched as two figures walked out of the building.

Forever//Obi Wan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now