How Long Will You Stay With Me?

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So, um.... this is the last chapter! I hope y'all enjoyed it!

The lazy evening sun danced across the ornate designs of the Jedi temple floor, bathing it in the soft colors of sunset as the sweet sounds of music echoed through the room, creating a sense of lazy serenity.

You sat with your back against the cool wall, legs crossed, next to the small Twi'lek padawan you'd met so long ago, your treasured instrument placed in her small hands. Watching with the calm eyes of a mentor as she fumbled with the uke.

"Good, and if you put your finger down here," you showed her the right fret and string. "You'll get a G chord."

"Like this?" She asked as she strummed.

"Perfect! Both your faces lit up in unison in appreciation of her small triumph.

Several months had passed since the discovery of the devastating news regarding Earth. You had spent roughly four weeks of that time curled up in the apartment, reeling from the emotional blow that had shattered your heart.

The grief of your loss had overwhelmed you, consumed you until you were nothing but a hollow shell attempting to reassemble the impossible puzzle that was your emotions. Day after day was spent in bed, trying in vain to gather yourself enough to get up and take care of things. But your grief weighted you down like an anchor, preventing you from fleeing the inner purgatory you resided in.

Obi wan was by your side the entire time, reassuring you without judgment or pressure while also giving you the space you needed to heal. You couldn't count all the nights he had spent holding your numb body in his arms until you the relief of sleep washed over you. His support and love meant everything to you.

But with time, you began to heal. Slowly, and with the assistance of the friends you had made in the past year, you began to put together your pieces, assembling yourself, reintroducing things you loved back into your life. You took up training again, spent time with the younglings, even let Anakin teach you how to pilot a speeder. (Something Obi Wan was not very happy about.)

You knew in your heart and soul that the solemn weight of your tragedy would always remain with you, but you also knew that you had the strength to keep it from defining you.

It was moments like this that helped, sitting here with someone so young and bright, taking a deep breath with the evening sun shining on you and passing on the things you knew. It was a gentle reminder that you were a part of something bigger than yourself, something beautiful and all encompassing.

As you and the padawan talked into the night, your laughter filling the almost empty temple, the sound of echoing footsteps against the marble floor reached your ears.

"Ah, thought I might find you here." Obi Wan said as he appeared in the large door frame, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "It's quite late you know, rather past time for all padawans to be in bed." He teased.

"Oh, you can be such a downer Master Kenobi." You shot back with equal teasing affection. "Besides, a little music before bed is good for the soul."

"And so is getting enough sleep, why don't we get you to the dormitories?" Obi suggests to the young girl. With a sleepy sort of smile, she places the uke back in your hands and gives you a quick hug.

"Thanks for teaching me some stuff Master y/n." You were pleasantly taken aback by the title but accepted it with glee nonetheless.

"Sure thing! Now, get to bed."

You waited by the speeder for obi wan, hugging the uke in your arms as you watched the ships overhead, trying to count them as they flew by, an impossible task. You only gave up when you noticed a familiar figure approaching you.

"Hi there." You said with a goofy grin as he neared the vehicle.

"Seems you've grown quite popular with the younglings, I've heard many requests to learn more of those 'tik tok' dances." You laughed as he got in the driver's seat of the speeder.

"I'd like to see you try some tik tok dances."

"Oh, I don't think so." He chuckled, starting up the speeder and gently soaring into the horizon. As he took off into the streaming highways of the city, the two of you sat in a comfortable silence, letting the evening breeze brush over you.

You snuck a glance over to your partner, letting your eyes take in every feature of him. His beautiful focused eyes that you could swim in for hours, His coppery hair, gleaming in the sunlight, his soft lips that you couldn't get enough of, and the dashing beard you had grown so fond of. Your thoughts drifted to all the other things as well you. His caring compassion, the way he held himself, how he fought so hard for what he believed in. How he fought so hard for you.

Stars, how did you get so lucky?

"Hey." you said, Your voice drifting over him like a soothing melody.


You moved your hand over the console to gently grasp his, letting your thumb lazily draw circles on the back of his hand. "I love you."

He turned to you with pure adoration in his gaze as he too remembered all the both of you had been through. "I love you too."


It had all happened so fast. In the blink of an eye the war was over, Anakin had fallen, and the empire had risen. It was almost impossible to wrap you head around the shock and grief.

You stood next to Obi Wan, cradling baby Luke in your arms as you stared out at the tatooine sunset, the glowing desert light washing over you. Moving your gaze from the sunset and to Obi Wan, you could see the tired sadness in his eyes. Yet, behind it all, there was a hint of something else, something that you were feeling too.


As long as you were with him, you knew you would have hope.

He took his eyes off the horizon to glance down at you and the bundle in your arms, a soft smile gracing his face at the sight of the sleeping baby. He then brought his gaze to, reaching his hand up to brush across your face.

"How long will you stay here with me?" He asked. You grinned at him, leaning into his warm touch.


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