IX//"so i made with the sun"

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Ross' Pov
After the call ends I immediately jump up and go to our room and lock the door. I hear y/n's footsteps following mine but I just ignore it and scream my heart out. All of the pain and torment I went through losing my father just for him to be replaced in mere days. It crushed my soul. Y/n continued to pound on the door and yell out my name but I just kept screaming and yanking at my hair. At that moment my world fell apart.

Y/n's Pov
"Let me in please Ross, I'm here for you." I kept pleading at our bedroom door, begging he would let me in. He finally opened the door and I embraced him as he fell apart in my arms. Why does all this shit have to happen to us? Everything keeps trying pull us apart, maybe we aren't meant to be. What the fuck am I saying, yeah we're fucked up but that doesn't mean we're completely incompatible. I held his face and looked him in the eyes as I said, "Forget everyone that has fucked us over, let's just be together and live our lives, your mom, Ashleigh, and everyone else can live their lives while we live ours." He responds with a simple, "It's not that easy.." this nearly broke your heart. All you wanted to do was take him away and give him the best life ever. But it just wasn't that easy, he was completely right.

That doesn't mean you can't try. "Let me take you somewhere." You said with his face still held in your hands, attempting to wipe away any stray tears. His eyes lit up as he lightly chuckled, "It's almost 10 pm babe, where would we go." He rested his hands on your waist and you pecked his lips before replying. "Anywhere..." you grabbed his keys off of the dresser and held his hand as you walked out of the front door.

Normally Ross wouldn't let you drive his car but he was still in a distraught state so he let it slide this time. You opened the passenger door for him and once he sat down you lightly gripped his arm and said "Trust me." He replied with a smile and a nod. You climbed into the driver's side and prepared to drive off.

The ride was comfortably silent with Ross' hand resting on your thigh the whole time. The sun was already a collage of pinks and oranges when you left, so as you reached the destination the stars had already begun to take their places.

You pulled over onto a seemingly empty road and Ross was super curious now. "Y/n where the hell are we" he chuckled as his brows furrowed together in confusion. "Just one of my old spots from when I was younger." you explained.

Ross' Pov
Y/n grabbed my hand and led me out of the passenger seat through a clearing of trees. Before us was a wide open field where we could see the entire night sky as it lightly illuminated the field. The whole place gave me a sense of peace. Peace I could only find with the girl at my side, Y/n. She sat down, my hand still in hers and I sat next to her as I wrapped my arm around her.

"I like to come here to clear my head. It's super secluded and... peaceful." She said as she comfortably rested her head on my shoulder. This is how I always want it to be, I never want this to change. "Thank you for taking me here princess, I feel a lot better now." She responded by connecting our lips. "Of course Ross, you know I love you right." She smiled and looked into my eyes. Happiness just radiated from her body, I could feel it.

"I love you more than anything Y/n, you're the beginning to my end." Her smile grew only wider as I said that. Both of us were now in pure bliss. She really is all I need. Fuck, I really wish I would've boughten a ring already.

She kissed me again and wrapped her arms around my neck as she climbed onto my lap. I rested my hands on her hips and melted into the kiss. She pulled away and rested her head on my chest as she spoke, "We're gonna have beautiful babies." We both laughed at the remark. "They'll definitely get their looks from their mama, you look so stunning in the moonlight right now." I said while looking down and admiring her. She looked back up at me and replied, "You should see yourself" as she booped my nose.

No feeling could compare to the fullness of my heart currently. I can't get enough of her presence.

After laying there for about 30 minutes we decided to head back to the car. I ran to the driver's side before Y/n could, taking the keys from her hands and explaining, "You look tired, I'm driving." She nodded and yawned as she hopped into the passenger side. We shared a quick kiss in the car she nestled into the seat. Her quiet snores soon filled the car and I couldn't help but smile.

I drove home as carefully as I could, being sure not to wake her. Once we were in the driveway, I got out of my side of the car and I had a sudden flashback to when Ashleigh had her "incident." It sucked to see their friendship get thrown away, but it seems they are better of without each other. I went over to the passenger side and picked Y/n up bridal style. She was still asleep and when I picked her up she stirred slightly, only to fall asleep again immediately. I kissed her forehead and entered the house.

I laid her down on our bed, then I put her under our covers, but then her eyes fluttered open. I caressed her head and sat down next to her. She spoke tiredly, "Come hold me baby." I complied of course and snuck under the covers to find Y/n immediate nestled on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed soft circles against her back. She was fast asleep as my mind kept racing. I looked out of our bedroom window suddenly flustered about my mother and how I am supposed to propose. But then I looked down at Y/n's somber expression and all of my thoughts melted away. I probably had the best sleep of my life that night.


a/n: y'all i'm SO SORRY it's probably been over a year at this point but i've been reading a lot lately and i got my inspiration back, will definitely try to update again in a few days but u know how i am lmao, hope u enjoy!! also would y'all want smut cuz i can provide 😏

my imagines book is published again pls go check it out the first one is ross because well yeah lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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