VII//"i'd run away and hide with you"

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-a few weeks later-
Y/n's Pov
It was officially the day of the funeral. I woke up to an empty bed and looked at my alarm clock, it was 7:30 am and Ross was awake already. I got out of our bed and stretched then walked into the living room. Ross was sitting on the couch coffee in hand, looking extremely exhausted. His hair was a mess and there was large bags under his eyes. "Hey" I said softly before walking over to him. "Good morning" he replied as I sat down next to him resulting in him putting his arm around me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "You look very tired, how long have you been up" I ask with a concerned tone. He replied "I haven't slept at all, after you fell asleep I've been out here all night because I didn't want to disturb you.. I-I just can't stop th-thinking about.." his voice trailed off and my heart broke. I pulled him in for a hug and I could hear his sobs and his tears on my shirt. I rubbed his back comfortingly.

I held his face in my hands and said while looking into his eyes "No matter what happens or what we will go through I will be here for you, I will help you get through this today and whatever else, okay?" I wiped some tears from his eyes with my thumbs and he reached up to grab my hands and said "Thank you y/n, you are the best thing in my life right now and one of the only things keeping me going and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you but thank you" before I could respond he gave me a short but sweet kiss and with that we got up and got dressed.

I put on on of my more formal black dresses and a necklace from Sidney and some light makeup. I walked out of the bathroom, where I was doing my makeup, and saw Ross dressed in a very nice suit. "Well don't you clean up nicely Mr. Lynch." I said while smirking and straightening his suit jacket. "You don't look too bad yourself Ms. L/n." He said while grabbing my waist and connecting our lips. I grabbed his hand and we headed over to the church for the service. When we arrived his siblings and his mother were waiting at the entrance.

Ross' Pov
I walked up with y/n to where my mother and siblings were standing and my mom immediately ran up to y/n to give her a hug. She said "It's so nice to finally meet you y/n!! Ross has said so many good things about you and you are just gorgeous, you are a lucky man Ross this one is a keeper!" I rolled my eyes and said "Only the luckiest" y/n gave me a kiss on the cheek and we headed into the church.

The service was beautiful. I did tear up slightly but I had y/n at my side the whole time to comfort me. My father wanted to be cremated to spare my siblings and I the pain of seeing him in a casket. And from the service we went out to the burial site and laid him to rest. That was when I broke down and y/n took me into her arms and consoled me. We said our final goodbyes to my family and y/n said to my mom "Thank you for inviting me Mrs. Lynch, the ceremony was beautiful and I am forever sorry for your loss." They shared a hug and my mom pulled me aside. "I think she's the one Ross" my mom whispered to me, to which I replied "I think so too." Y/n and I went to the car and drove home.

Y/n's Pov
"You are so strong Ross, remember that your father would have been so proud." He turned to me and smiled "He would have loved you" We were now at home sitting on our couch still not undressed out of our formal wear and I had my legs in his lap. He said "You know my mom really likes you" he giggled slightly. I replied "That's great she's a very sweet woman." He said "Yeah she thinks you're "the one"' I had a look of shock on my face and he turned towards me. "Does she really?" To which he said "Yeah and I agreed with her" I had never felt so much happiness than I did in that exact moment. My only reply was to kiss him. My hands began tugging at his hair while his were traveling my waist. He ended up on top of me on the couch as the kiss heated up. And we did it on the couch.

(A/N: Sorry for not posting I was running out of writing ideas so here is a short chapter for now)

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